Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Looking forward...

The talk that I had last week with GM also covered New Year's Eve. I mentioned how disappointed I was last year and hoped this year would be better. GM had half-suggested hosting a party. I think it was something that he had already given some thought to, and that would be cool, but I'd rather go into town.

One of KfW2's friends posted on Facebook about what to do this coming New Year's Eve and ot looks as if she is giving serious consideration to going to the bar where I encountered CB a few years ago. This has gotten me wondering if that means KfW2 will come out. In all the time I've known her, we've never spent New Year's Eve out. She had planned last year, but I think she was otherwise occupied at the time.

I know that one of S's friends from out of town is visiting. Ideally we could get everyone into the same place which would be amazing, but even now, it looks like there are more options this year.

I can only hope... and hope to be able to persuade GM, KfW2 and/or S to do what I want. I definitely can't do sitting in, not in this funk... and I don't want to be a third wheel like I was last year with S.

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