Sunday, November 09, 2014


I think that I've decided that I am going to send an email to GM and S and tell them how unhappy I am currently with the social/dating aspect of my life. It's an idea I've been pondering for a few days now, but I've no idea what to say or how to word it.

Roughly speaking, I think my unhappiness stems from recent unreliability or lack of contact from friends - GM being unavailable, S focussing on his "core" group of friends at the expense of everyone else, CH crying off nights out, GB making herself unavailable when I needed something to do last New Year's Eve - stuff that's happened over the past 24 months. There's also the online dating thing that was a Grade A disaster and unrecognised by KfW2 and finally the GB/MFF/CB thing that was the same and is the major factor in my now less-then-impressive view on GB.

As I have mentioned before, this is something that started off being a minor annoyance to making me very unhappy with that aspect of my life. I need a solution, especially to the meeting women/new people thing.

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