Tuesday, November 11, 2014


I ended up texting GM instead of emailing and I left S out of the loop, at least for now. The upshot of this sudden burst of pro-activeness is that I'm meeting GM for a coffee later this week, though only for an hour or so. That should be plenty of time to tell him what's troubling me and, hopefully, that'll kick things off.

When I say "things", I mean talking to other people, getting my act in order. I'm not expecting GM to have or provide solutions nor for him to talk to other people on my behalf.
  • Current unhappiness with my relationship status
  • How that sometimes social things make the first point worse (for example, CH cancelling nights out)
  • How this started off being a periodic minor annoyance/funk, but has built steadily for the past 18 months due to various things and people
  • How I'd like to be more active socially and not simply come home from work and sit on my own, doing effectively nothing
  • I've tried talking to KfW2, but I don't think she grasps the seriousness of the problem and CH backs away any time the conversation gets serious and personal
I'm sure there are bits and pieces of other things, but this is what I want to cover this week.

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