Saturday, September 13, 2014

A quick ramble.

I've had a few drinks whilst watching the telly, well, not the telly... a film. Despite my comment last night, I didn't watch The Avengers, but I'm watching it right now. Well, not right now. I've taken a break because there are a few things I really need to get sorted tonight because I'm taking a quick trip out of town tomorrow. A quick 36-hour trip to London. Out tomorrow morning and back on Monday evening. I need to get other stuff sorted though.

I'm hoping to meet up with G while I'm there, but that's a bit touch and go at the moment. I would also have loved to have had a coffee/drink with A or USHW, but time is really against me.

I've also taken to a bit of pondering. Pretty much every time I've been in London, I've 'randomly' met someone I know. Literally, bumped into in the street. It's something that seems to happen to me an awful lot. I think I've talked about it here before. The most extreme example is Kiwi Girl.l A friend of mine was having his stag party in my (and his) home town. During an extended stay in one of my favourite bars, I "rescued" a friend of FP's from some unwanted attention. That happened to to be two attractive Kiwi Girls who were based in London and I spent some time chatting up the blonde one, talking about Lego, colouring in, New Zealand, beer and many other topics.

Beyond a couple of brief kisses, it went nowhere, but about four months later when I was travelling through London to meet up with A, who should I literally bump into on the Tube? Yup. Kiwi Girl.

Who's it going to be this time? RB? I know she's currently based in London.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...