Saturday, April 19, 2014


When UF lived here, I felt a little ostracised at times. When I first started sharing a house with UF, I made a few attempts to get the guys to socialise, but without any real result. Once MfW moved in though, UF became a lot more social. I don't think that UF liked me very much. As such, he and MfW used to head out to the pub. Rarely would I get an invite and if I did, it was usually at the very last second. Literally as they were leaving the house. Even now that UF has left the house six months, there have been a few times I know that he's gone to the pub with MfW and I wasn't invited.

MfW is a man who's hard to read. I don't socialise with him enough, but that's down to him as he's burned his bridges with people he used to call friends such as GB and GM. So when we head out, I don't include him. He doesn't have the manners to turn up and be polite - he would actually go out of his way to be difficult - so he's drifted away.

I thought with FNG moving in, this could be different. If I'd had the choice, I don't know if I would have approved of FNG moving in. He's fourteen years my junior and while he does have his head screwed on, I think I'm much rather have had someone closer to my own age. I don't know that there are a lot of people out there my age looking to share a house though.

I popped into the kitchen last night after doing some shopping and made general chitchat with FNG and MfW, asking about plans for the weekend etc.  MfW seemed in bad form, so I didn't say an awful lot. I made some dinner and sat down to eat it in the living room. After I'd finished and was sat watching some TV (none of this is different to what I usually do, but I'm usually home and finished by the time anyone else gets in), MfW came in. I heard him muttering to FNG - they'd obviously been planning something - then he asked if I wanted to go with them for a few drinks. They were leaving right then.

I did - I went out and had a decent time. But I couldn't help think that if I hadn't been sitting in the living room that I wouldn't have been invited out. I wasn't involved in their plans and it was yet another last-minute invite out. I almost didn't go because I don't really like last-minute arrangements.

MfW's seeming bad mood was nowhere to be seen and we chatted about lots of things. That continued today where we've been sitting watching telly and chatting again for a good few hours this afternoon. I was meant to be heading out with FP this evening, but he's claiming some kind of illness.

I'd love to head out to the pub. It's likely to be quiet, what with it being Easter weekend, but it's the nicest day of the year so far and just seems like too nice a night to be sitting in. I'm contemplating asking MfW. FNG is away. He may or may not be back.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...