Saturday, April 19, 2014

Go figure...

Sometimes my friendship with CH confuses me. Ignoring the fact that I want to sleep with her and that we've effectively known each other for a good few years now, we're not particularly close.

It's a communication issue really. She's hard to maintain contact with. We can cover ground when we're sitting face to face and even over the work's IM system (to a certain extent), but outside work text chats never seem to go anyway. It seems to me that as soon as we even look like we're heading into a serious conversation, she simply stops replying.

A recent question regarding one of her friends (see this post for details) yielded a reply, but when I tried to advance the conversation, it stopped. That's not to say she wasn't communication with me - our Words with Friends game continued and she started sending me private messages on Facebook with "funny" attachments.

I know I don't understand women, but I understand CH even less.

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