Monday, April 14, 2014

Grrr... (cont'd)

Unexpectedly, I met up with CH this afternoon for coffee (we don't usually do Mondays). CH and her friend were whispering conspiratorially about something when I arrived. It turns out that CH's friend was talking about setting me up with a mutual friend of theirs, which continues the topic of one of yesterday's posts.

I made my point to them about blind dates and how I don't do 'em. There was also the point that both CH and her friend have, in the past, ruled out the same person because she's too bonkers.

I don't think CH's friend got my line of thinking though and was quizzing me about how she felt that blind dates are the same as online dating, but they're not - at least to me. I can keep any online dates under wraps until I see how they go and only share once they've passed, for example. I can't do that with set-ups.

I told both women about my online dating experiences namely that I've messaged loads of people and gotten no replies. CH was shocked, but I explained that online dating is still very much a woman's game and it's my opinion that women are still very much old-fashioned in that most will wait for a guy to make the first move. CH asked if I replied to women and I told her the truth - if a woman made any kind of effort in her opening message, she got a reply, otherwise I didn't bother.

CH, I think, got it though. At least in part - people making decisions on my behalf causes expectations to rise and everyone gets disappointed when a blind date doesn't work out.

I told CH and her friend to just bring people out in a group gathering and see how the dice roll... we may hit it off romantically, we may hate each other, it might fall somewhere in between, but there are no expectations.

By this time though, CH was all for getting this girl on a date. After all, she reasoned, GB and GM thought we'd hate each other, but it was completely the opposite and we hit it off so fast, by the end of the first night, it was like we had known each other for years.

We have a work night out in about three weeks. I think CH has something up her sleeve for then.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...