I sent a text to KfW2 yesterday. "The big adventure in online dating is over" it said.
I had told her months back when we talked about it initially that if I had the same success as previous attempts (i.e. none at all), that I would be pretty down.
To be honest, I was expecting more than simply ":(" as a reply.
Even today, now that we're both in the office at the same time, she's said nothing. I appreciate that she's got man flu and isn't in top form and has her own concerns given her recent health scare, but I am kinda down about the lack of success and KfW2's indifference isn't helping matters.
I know it's only a funk and is likely to blow over soon, but I still can't help but feel a little disappointed.
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
The end of the "adventure".
The past fifteen minutes has just been spent trying to figure out how to completely delete my accounts on three dating sites. My Match subscription ran out at midnight last night and despite not having ANY activity on my profile in the past two weeks, I magically had three profile views. Is it any wonder people question Match's integrity, especially after the phantom members I've previously reported?
The site I had more hope for was Plenty of Fish, after all it's free and you can communicate free of charge whereas other sites I know about force you to pay up for the privilege. Once I found out that PoF had restricted "private images" (i.e. you have them attached to your profile though they're not for public consumption, but you can attach them to messages), I had hoped that I might get a few replies. After all, the private images thing essentially meant that the trouble on PoF of women getting cock pictures had pretty much been eradicated, so women might be less inundated with rubbish.
Sadly, that wasn't the case. I probably sent a dozen messages on Match, though there were only about three who I was really interested in (including CB). I probably sent twice that on PoF (with the same 'preference' ratio). That's roughly thirty-five to forty messages with approximately ten who I was genuinely excited about over two sites and three months of almost daily activity.
My activity on Zoosk was practically non-existent, message-wise. There was only the one girl who turned out to live in Glasgow.
Beyond actual messages, there was the wordless contact. All three sites have a Tinder-like Yes/No service (you're given a photo or photos based on your criteria and you simply check yes or no to potential contact... if you both click Yes", then you're informed and contact can start, otherwise you don't know if they've access you or not). There must have been at least another forty or so cute women that I selected "yes" to on these, in total, with absolutely nothing in return.
There are other, strange stories... the girl who added me as a 'favourite' on Plenty of Fish, but who deleted her account as soon as I messaged her, only to reappear two weeks later under a different username. Another girl who added me as a favourite on all three dating sites, but never, ever made any attempt to contact me. A girl who removed herself from my favourites (which I used for tracking purposes) on PoF for reasons unknown.
I've said it before, but it's worth re-iterating to anyone who's reading this post in isolation to the others - it's my opinion that online dating is, like real life, very much a woman's domain. Lots of "traditional" ideas are still very much apparent online such as men needing to make the first move etc. Women on these sites often outnumber the men, giving them the pick whereas men are "competing" for the attention of women.
I'm not the world's most forward person and actually going to talk to new people in the real world can prove daunting to me at times, but my success in the real world, from talking to random women in bars etc. far outweighs my success online, on sites where people have joined up looking to meet new people. I still don't understand that at all and I don't think I would ever recommend online dating for my male friends in what is a rather small catchment area.
The site I had more hope for was Plenty of Fish, after all it's free and you can communicate free of charge whereas other sites I know about force you to pay up for the privilege. Once I found out that PoF had restricted "private images" (i.e. you have them attached to your profile though they're not for public consumption, but you can attach them to messages), I had hoped that I might get a few replies. After all, the private images thing essentially meant that the trouble on PoF of women getting cock pictures had pretty much been eradicated, so women might be less inundated with rubbish.
Sadly, that wasn't the case. I probably sent a dozen messages on Match, though there were only about three who I was really interested in (including CB). I probably sent twice that on PoF (with the same 'preference' ratio). That's roughly thirty-five to forty messages with approximately ten who I was genuinely excited about over two sites and three months of almost daily activity.
My activity on Zoosk was practically non-existent, message-wise. There was only the one girl who turned out to live in Glasgow.
Beyond actual messages, there was the wordless contact. All three sites have a Tinder-like Yes/No service (you're given a photo or photos based on your criteria and you simply check yes or no to potential contact... if you both click Yes", then you're informed and contact can start, otherwise you don't know if they've access you or not). There must have been at least another forty or so cute women that I selected "yes" to on these, in total, with absolutely nothing in return.
There are other, strange stories... the girl who added me as a 'favourite' on Plenty of Fish, but who deleted her account as soon as I messaged her, only to reappear two weeks later under a different username. Another girl who added me as a favourite on all three dating sites, but never, ever made any attempt to contact me. A girl who removed herself from my favourites (which I used for tracking purposes) on PoF for reasons unknown.
I've said it before, but it's worth re-iterating to anyone who's reading this post in isolation to the others - it's my opinion that online dating is, like real life, very much a woman's domain. Lots of "traditional" ideas are still very much apparent online such as men needing to make the first move etc. Women on these sites often outnumber the men, giving them the pick whereas men are "competing" for the attention of women.
I'm not the world's most forward person and actually going to talk to new people in the real world can prove daunting to me at times, but my success in the real world, from talking to random women in bars etc. far outweighs my success online, on sites where people have joined up looking to meet new people. I still don't understand that at all and I don't think I would ever recommend online dating for my male friends in what is a rather small catchment area.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Hanging on the telephone.
Despite sitting in last night when the weather was really nice, I ended up having a good time. I was chatting on and off with USHW, but more importantly, I was on Skype with both R (via IM) and E (video chat).
It was nice to actually chat to E. I think it's been nearly a year since we had a proper conversation and the hour we managed to grab meant a lot to me.
My conversations with R are different, but usually a good laugh. She was asking about my online dating adventures and especially CB, and while I don't mind talking about it, it (once again) brought to light how rubbish GB is. R and I aren't particularly close, we don't chat regularly but yet she still manages to show more interest in my life than GB.
I don't want to focus on the negative though. It was really nice to be able to sit down and have those conversations with both women. I should make more of an effort to keep in touch, especially with E.
It was nice to actually chat to E. I think it's been nearly a year since we had a proper conversation and the hour we managed to grab meant a lot to me.
My conversations with R are different, but usually a good laugh. She was asking about my online dating adventures and especially CB, and while I don't mind talking about it, it (once again) brought to light how rubbish GB is. R and I aren't particularly close, we don't chat regularly but yet she still manages to show more interest in my life than GB.
I don't want to focus on the negative though. It was really nice to be able to sit down and have those conversations with both women. I should make more of an effort to keep in touch, especially with E.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
When UF lived here, I felt a little ostracised at times. When I first started sharing a house with UF, I made a few attempts to get the guys to socialise, but without any real result. Once MfW moved in though, UF became a lot more social. I don't think that UF liked me very much. As such, he and MfW used to head out to the pub. Rarely would I get an invite and if I did, it was usually at the very last second. Literally as they were leaving the house. Even now that UF has left the house six months, there have been a few times I know that he's gone to the pub with MfW and I wasn't invited.
MfW is a man who's hard to read. I don't socialise with him enough, but that's down to him as he's burned his bridges with people he used to call friends such as GB and GM. So when we head out, I don't include him. He doesn't have the manners to turn up and be polite - he would actually go out of his way to be difficult - so he's drifted away.
I thought with FNG moving in, this could be different. If I'd had the choice, I don't know if I would have approved of FNG moving in. He's fourteen years my junior and while he does have his head screwed on, I think I'm much rather have had someone closer to my own age. I don't know that there are a lot of people out there my age looking to share a house though.
I popped into the kitchen last night after doing some shopping and made general chitchat with FNG and MfW, asking about plans for the weekend etc. MfW seemed in bad form, so I didn't say an awful lot. I made some dinner and sat down to eat it in the living room. After I'd finished and was sat watching some TV (none of this is different to what I usually do, but I'm usually home and finished by the time anyone else gets in), MfW came in. I heard him muttering to FNG - they'd obviously been planning something - then he asked if I wanted to go with them for a few drinks. They were leaving right then.
I did - I went out and had a decent time. But I couldn't help think that if I hadn't been sitting in the living room that I wouldn't have been invited out. I wasn't involved in their plans and it was yet another last-minute invite out. I almost didn't go because I don't really like last-minute arrangements.
MfW's seeming bad mood was nowhere to be seen and we chatted about lots of things. That continued today where we've been sitting watching telly and chatting again for a good few hours this afternoon. I was meant to be heading out with FP this evening, but he's claiming some kind of illness.
I'd love to head out to the pub. It's likely to be quiet, what with it being Easter weekend, but it's the nicest day of the year so far and just seems like too nice a night to be sitting in. I'm contemplating asking MfW. FNG is away. He may or may not be back.
MfW is a man who's hard to read. I don't socialise with him enough, but that's down to him as he's burned his bridges with people he used to call friends such as GB and GM. So when we head out, I don't include him. He doesn't have the manners to turn up and be polite - he would actually go out of his way to be difficult - so he's drifted away.
I thought with FNG moving in, this could be different. If I'd had the choice, I don't know if I would have approved of FNG moving in. He's fourteen years my junior and while he does have his head screwed on, I think I'm much rather have had someone closer to my own age. I don't know that there are a lot of people out there my age looking to share a house though.
I popped into the kitchen last night after doing some shopping and made general chitchat with FNG and MfW, asking about plans for the weekend etc. MfW seemed in bad form, so I didn't say an awful lot. I made some dinner and sat down to eat it in the living room. After I'd finished and was sat watching some TV (none of this is different to what I usually do, but I'm usually home and finished by the time anyone else gets in), MfW came in. I heard him muttering to FNG - they'd obviously been planning something - then he asked if I wanted to go with them for a few drinks. They were leaving right then.
I did - I went out and had a decent time. But I couldn't help think that if I hadn't been sitting in the living room that I wouldn't have been invited out. I wasn't involved in their plans and it was yet another last-minute invite out. I almost didn't go because I don't really like last-minute arrangements.
MfW's seeming bad mood was nowhere to be seen and we chatted about lots of things. That continued today where we've been sitting watching telly and chatting again for a good few hours this afternoon. I was meant to be heading out with FP this evening, but he's claiming some kind of illness.
I'd love to head out to the pub. It's likely to be quiet, what with it being Easter weekend, but it's the nicest day of the year so far and just seems like too nice a night to be sitting in. I'm contemplating asking MfW. FNG is away. He may or may not be back.
Go figure...
Sometimes my friendship with CH confuses me. Ignoring the fact that I want to sleep with her and that we've effectively known each other for a good few years now, we're not particularly close.
It's a communication issue really. She's hard to maintain contact with. We can cover ground when we're sitting face to face and even over the work's IM system (to a certain extent), but outside work text chats never seem to go anyway. It seems to me that as soon as we even look like we're heading into a serious conversation, she simply stops replying.
A recent question regarding one of her friends (see this post for details) yielded a reply, but when I tried to advance the conversation, it stopped. That's not to say she wasn't communication with me - our Words with Friends game continued and she started sending me private messages on Facebook with "funny" attachments.
I know I don't understand women, but I understand CH even less.
It's a communication issue really. She's hard to maintain contact with. We can cover ground when we're sitting face to face and even over the work's IM system (to a certain extent), but outside work text chats never seem to go anyway. It seems to me that as soon as we even look like we're heading into a serious conversation, she simply stops replying.
A recent question regarding one of her friends (see this post for details) yielded a reply, but when I tried to advance the conversation, it stopped. That's not to say she wasn't communication with me - our Words with Friends game continued and she started sending me private messages on Facebook with "funny" attachments.
I know I don't understand women, but I understand CH even less.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Call me.
I'm currently single and am not particularly close to my parents, so maybe this just me being unable to understand what's going on, but I got annoyed at KfW2 today.
She takes many phone calls from her family (particularly her sister and mother) and her husband during the day. If she doesn't answer her work phone, they will immediately phone her mobile. KfW2 will also make outgoing phone calls to these people as well. It wouldn't surprise me if she took or received over half a dozen personal calls per day. I think that's excessive in the working environment.
Often, if the phone goes as we're heading off on tea-break or whatever, she'll hang back and take the call. It used to be that she would always leave her mobile phone in her desk drawer if we were going out to buy lunch (which we do most days).
Recently though, she's taken to bringing her phone with her. Today, her husband phoned her just as we were leaving the office and they spent fifteen minutes chatting as it's his lunchtime too. That's fifteen minutes of her, walking alongside me, talking into a phone.
I know that it's her husband, but I thought it was really rude that she didn't ask him to call her at another time and it annoyed me quite a bit. Maybe my sense of what constitutes good etiquette these days is horrendously out of date having been single for so long.
She takes many phone calls from her family (particularly her sister and mother) and her husband during the day. If she doesn't answer her work phone, they will immediately phone her mobile. KfW2 will also make outgoing phone calls to these people as well. It wouldn't surprise me if she took or received over half a dozen personal calls per day. I think that's excessive in the working environment.
Often, if the phone goes as we're heading off on tea-break or whatever, she'll hang back and take the call. It used to be that she would always leave her mobile phone in her desk drawer if we were going out to buy lunch (which we do most days).
Recently though, she's taken to bringing her phone with her. Today, her husband phoned her just as we were leaving the office and they spent fifteen minutes chatting as it's his lunchtime too. That's fifteen minutes of her, walking alongside me, talking into a phone.
I know that it's her husband, but I thought it was really rude that she didn't ask him to call her at another time and it annoyed me quite a bit. Maybe my sense of what constitutes good etiquette these days is horrendously out of date having been single for so long.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Oh fucking hell.
FNG has an inability to close doors behind him quietly. It's near 11PM and in the half hour he's been in the house since he came back from the gym, that's all you can hear. He has no concept of time - doors will close automatically behind him (which is near enough slamming as makes no difference) and this place has no carpet in it and the walls are paper thin, so everything shakes.
I'm going to have to tell him to pay more attention when he's around the apartment.
He's a heavy footed fucker too, so I can look forward to him clumping around, doing about ten laps of the house just to make a cup of tea.
FNG has an inability to close doors behind him quietly. It's near 11PM and in the half hour he's been in the house since he came back from the gym, that's all you can hear. He has no concept of time - doors will close automatically behind him (which is near enough slamming as makes no difference) and this place has no carpet in it and the walls are paper thin, so everything shakes.
I'm going to have to tell him to pay more attention when he's around the apartment.
He's a heavy footed fucker too, so I can look forward to him clumping around, doing about ten laps of the house just to make a cup of tea.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
CB's appearance on Match.com several times over the weekend has turned my head a little. I've revisited my anger with GB - I've never gone out on a limb like I did with her to ask for someone's help in meeting someone and she's let me down (as did MFF to an extent, but she gets off lighter because she's not really my friend, though GB is/was).
It's been less about CB herself though and more about re-evaluating my friendships, especially after KfW2 and CH over the past two weeks.
The CH thing I posted about recently has to be addressed as well... it all seems a bit strange to me that this has come out of the blue considering CH and her friend have both ruled out this supposed potential match previously.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
CB's appearance on Match.com several times over the weekend has turned my head a little. I've revisited my anger with GB - I've never gone out on a limb like I did with her to ask for someone's help in meeting someone and she's let me down (as did MFF to an extent, but she gets off lighter because she's not really my friend, though GB is/was).
It's been less about CB herself though and more about re-evaluating my friendships, especially after KfW2 and CH over the past two weeks.
The CH thing I posted about recently has to be addressed as well... it all seems a bit strange to me that this has come out of the blue considering CH and her friend have both ruled out this supposed potential match previously.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Grrr... (cont'd)
Unexpectedly, I met up with CH this afternoon for coffee (we don't usually do Mondays). CH and her friend were whispering conspiratorially about something when I arrived. It turns out that CH's friend was talking about setting me up with a mutual friend of theirs, which continues the topic of one of yesterday's posts.
I made my point to them about blind dates and how I don't do 'em. There was also the point that both CH and her friend have, in the past, ruled out the same person because she's too bonkers.
I don't think CH's friend got my line of thinking though and was quizzing me about how she felt that blind dates are the same as online dating, but they're not - at least to me. I can keep any online dates under wraps until I see how they go and only share once they've passed, for example. I can't do that with set-ups.
I told both women about my online dating experiences namely that I've messaged loads of people and gotten no replies. CH was shocked, but I explained that online dating is still very much a woman's game and it's my opinion that women are still very much old-fashioned in that most will wait for a guy to make the first move. CH asked if I replied to women and I told her the truth - if a woman made any kind of effort in her opening message, she got a reply, otherwise I didn't bother.
CH, I think, got it though. At least in part - people making decisions on my behalf causes expectations to rise and everyone gets disappointed when a blind date doesn't work out.
I told CH and her friend to just bring people out in a group gathering and see how the dice roll... we may hit it off romantically, we may hate each other, it might fall somewhere in between, but there are no expectations.
By this time though, CH was all for getting this girl on a date. After all, she reasoned, GB and GM thought we'd hate each other, but it was completely the opposite and we hit it off so fast, by the end of the first night, it was like we had known each other for years.
We have a work night out in about three weeks. I think CH has something up her sleeve for then.
I made my point to them about blind dates and how I don't do 'em. There was also the point that both CH and her friend have, in the past, ruled out the same person because she's too bonkers.
I don't think CH's friend got my line of thinking though and was quizzing me about how she felt that blind dates are the same as online dating, but they're not - at least to me. I can keep any online dates under wraps until I see how they go and only share once they've passed, for example. I can't do that with set-ups.
I told both women about my online dating experiences namely that I've messaged loads of people and gotten no replies. CH was shocked, but I explained that online dating is still very much a woman's game and it's my opinion that women are still very much old-fashioned in that most will wait for a guy to make the first move. CH asked if I replied to women and I told her the truth - if a woman made any kind of effort in her opening message, she got a reply, otherwise I didn't bother.
CH, I think, got it though. At least in part - people making decisions on my behalf causes expectations to rise and everyone gets disappointed when a blind date doesn't work out.
I told CH and her friend to just bring people out in a group gathering and see how the dice roll... we may hit it off romantically, we may hate each other, it might fall somewhere in between, but there are no expectations.
By this time though, CH was all for getting this girl on a date. After all, she reasoned, GB and GM thought we'd hate each other, but it was completely the opposite and we hit it off so fast, by the end of the first night, it was like we had known each other for years.
We have a work night out in about three weeks. I think CH has something up her sleeve for then.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Off the back of my last post, and a recent conversation with KfW2, as well as finding and starting to read The 30 Dates Blog I'm thinking again of friendships. Recently, both KfW2 and CH have mentioned trying to set me up with friends or people that they know. From KfW2's perspective, it was as recently as ten days ago. And I wonder at how or why none of my other female friends have ever done it (or at least admitted to it). There was even one of KfW2's friends who I'd only met that day who suggested a friend that I'd get along with. You really have to wonder. There's a good post on The 30 Dates Blog here that briefly mentions friends and also Facebook for use in dating.
I compare the actions of CH and KfW2 to GB who has been singularly useless and sometimes bitchy in her comments, especially with regard to the whole CB thing and then appeared to be supportive when she brought up the subject of CB in a conversation a few weeks ago.
KfW2 has mentioned my attitude towards GB and I was honest with her - I don't see her as being worth the effort any more. Why should I, I reasoned, spend time and effort on GB when I get nothing in return? She seemed to agree, but I don't think she realises that I am actually quite serious. I take my friendships very seriously indeed.
I compare the actions of CH and KfW2 to GB who has been singularly useless and sometimes bitchy in her comments, especially with regard to the whole CB thing and then appeared to be supportive when she brought up the subject of CB in a conversation a few weeks ago.
KfW2 has mentioned my attitude towards GB and I was honest with her - I don't see her as being worth the effort any more. Why should I, I reasoned, spend time and effort on GB when I get nothing in return? She seemed to agree, but I don't think she realises that I am actually quite serious. I take my friendships very seriously indeed.
Just when I think I've managed to put something behind me, the universe finds a way of messing with my head.
A week ago, when I cancelled my Match.com subscription (or rather the recurring payment), they gave me a free upgrade to their most feature-driven membership level. That means I can see who's read emails, people can reply to my messages without needing to be subscribers etc. which I was unable to do before. I know, for example, that out of the five women I messaged last week, that two have read their emails and three haven't.
What I also noticed, during my frequent searches of most recently active members (there's no point in messaging inactive members), was that CB had logged in for the first time in possibly six months or more. I've never been a big Facebook 'stalker' or anything - I don't see the point in torturing myself... and it's bad enough that I can't seem to get an introduction even with MFF or GB getting involved and with our paths crossing (in different ways) over the past 15 months, so I've not given her a lot of thought since around the end of February.
CB hasn't read the email I sent her when I first subscribed to Match and she hasn't visited my profile. I don't know if it's still visible to her. I know that Plenty of Fish, for example, seems to delete messages after about five weeks.
But this has raised the CB dilemma again when I was at the point where it was being forgotten about. I'd never gotten the closure I wanted from it, but I'd kinda resigned myself to that anyway. And now, with some prompting from USHW, I'm starting to wonder if I should get KfW2 involved again (she previously had words with GB when I first debated sending the message) or even if I should maybe send another message or get her on the Match.com instant messaging system now that I know she's active and I have this upgrade. After all, if she's logging in and not deleting her account, she must be single and looking, right?
I have seven days left on this subscription and the plan was to delete all online dating accounts as it really hasn't yielded any results and my confidence has, once again, taken a bit of a beating due to it. That's definitely something I'm going to talk to KfW2 about this week. She knows that I suffered the last time I did online dating and USHW tells me (quite correctly) that I need to be more open with KfW2 (well, everyone really, but KfW2 for sure).
A week ago, when I cancelled my Match.com subscription (or rather the recurring payment), they gave me a free upgrade to their most feature-driven membership level. That means I can see who's read emails, people can reply to my messages without needing to be subscribers etc. which I was unable to do before. I know, for example, that out of the five women I messaged last week, that two have read their emails and three haven't.
What I also noticed, during my frequent searches of most recently active members (there's no point in messaging inactive members), was that CB had logged in for the first time in possibly six months or more. I've never been a big Facebook 'stalker' or anything - I don't see the point in torturing myself... and it's bad enough that I can't seem to get an introduction even with MFF or GB getting involved and with our paths crossing (in different ways) over the past 15 months, so I've not given her a lot of thought since around the end of February.
CB hasn't read the email I sent her when I first subscribed to Match and she hasn't visited my profile. I don't know if it's still visible to her. I know that Plenty of Fish, for example, seems to delete messages after about five weeks.
But this has raised the CB dilemma again when I was at the point where it was being forgotten about. I'd never gotten the closure I wanted from it, but I'd kinda resigned myself to that anyway. And now, with some prompting from USHW, I'm starting to wonder if I should get KfW2 involved again (she previously had words with GB when I first debated sending the message) or even if I should maybe send another message or get her on the Match.com instant messaging system now that I know she's active and I have this upgrade. After all, if she's logging in and not deleting her account, she must be single and looking, right?
I have seven days left on this subscription and the plan was to delete all online dating accounts as it really hasn't yielded any results and my confidence has, once again, taken a bit of a beating due to it. That's definitely something I'm going to talk to KfW2 about this week. She knows that I suffered the last time I did online dating and USHW tells me (quite correctly) that I need to be more open with KfW2 (well, everyone really, but KfW2 for sure).
It was a friend of mine's unofficial stag party yesterday. He's already had one in a different city for his proper one, but yesterday's was for those who couldn't make it or weren't invited. I had already arranged to have lunch with KfW2, so I was only able to get to the drinking part of the day (which is not a bad thing), so after a pleasant couple of hours chatting with KfW2, I landed in the pub.
I wasn't really feeling it, to be honest. I don't know why - S and GM are always good company as are a few of the groom's mates who I've met before, but I dunno... I wasn't really invested in the evening. I did manage to persuade the groom to invite CH to his evening party. I doubt she'll go, but who knows?
Beyond chatting to a couple of very cute Australian girls, there wasn't that much to report from the night. I called it quits around midnight and walked home.
I think that's the last thing I have on the social radar for the next month or so. That should give me time to concentrate on the fitness/exercise thing I have started.
I wasn't really feeling it, to be honest. I don't know why - S and GM are always good company as are a few of the groom's mates who I've met before, but I dunno... I wasn't really invested in the evening. I did manage to persuade the groom to invite CH to his evening party. I doubt she'll go, but who knows?
Beyond chatting to a couple of very cute Australian girls, there wasn't that much to report from the night. I called it quits around midnight and walked home.
I think that's the last thing I have on the social radar for the next month or so. That should give me time to concentrate on the fitness/exercise thing I have started.
Saturday, April 05, 2014
A girl popped up on my feed on Zoosk as having viewed me. She looks funky, she's pretty and beyond that, I know nothing about her. She's viewed me quite a few times, but Zoosk makes it hard, almost impossible, to find her. I would need to pay to unlock her profile. She doesn't appear in my own searches, so that's probably ruling her out due to either age or distance, though I would love to meet her.
I have been frustrated because she has intrigued me and all from one photograph and I have no other details.
The above was a post I had in draft from the start of the week. By chance, I was looking through my Gmail account that is associated to the Zoosk account and there's a notification email telling me of her activity.
She lives in Glasgow.
That's... how shall I put it? Inconvenient. And disappointing.
I have been frustrated because she has intrigued me and all from one photograph and I have no other details.
The above was a post I had in draft from the start of the week. By chance, I was looking through my Gmail account that is associated to the Zoosk account and there's a notification email telling me of her activity.
She lives in Glasgow.
That's... how shall I put it? Inconvenient. And disappointing.
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Today I cancelled my Match.com subscription. It's due to expire in about three weeks, so that's how long all of the other sites and tools I'm signed up for have to produce someone I want to meet.
That's phrased wrongly - there have been a few people I've really wanted to meet (probably about half a dozen) and many more who I'm prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to (nothing immediately standing out, but their profiles or good or they look cute in pictures).
But over three sites (Match, Plenty of Fish and Zoosk) and one phone app (Tinder), I must have messaged, "liked" or poked over 100 women. My current message count is probably over forty at this stage, though the sites seem to delete these as standard after a month so it's hard to keep an accurate track.
The number of replies from women that I have been interested in? Zero. There's one girl who's added me as a favourite on all three sites, yet has never made any contact. Another girl added me as a favourite, but deleted her profile as soon as I messaged her. The ones I really wanted to hear from have been silent.
I don't know what's going to happen... the likelihood of something coming from one of these sites in the next three weeks is super-slim given the antics til now. I'm still down about it... possibly more so since typing the above since it lays out in black and white how active I've been - probably much more so since I last did online dating back in, I think, 2010.
Though, this caught my eye earlier and it looks intriguing... though my privacy issues might get the better of me.
That's phrased wrongly - there have been a few people I've really wanted to meet (probably about half a dozen) and many more who I'm prepared to give the benefit of the doubt to (nothing immediately standing out, but their profiles or good or they look cute in pictures).
But over three sites (Match, Plenty of Fish and Zoosk) and one phone app (Tinder), I must have messaged, "liked" or poked over 100 women. My current message count is probably over forty at this stage, though the sites seem to delete these as standard after a month so it's hard to keep an accurate track.
The number of replies from women that I have been interested in? Zero. There's one girl who's added me as a favourite on all three sites, yet has never made any contact. Another girl added me as a favourite, but deleted her profile as soon as I messaged her. The ones I really wanted to hear from have been silent.
I don't know what's going to happen... the likelihood of something coming from one of these sites in the next three weeks is super-slim given the antics til now. I'm still down about it... possibly more so since typing the above since it lays out in black and white how active I've been - probably much more so since I last did online dating back in, I think, 2010.
Though, this caught my eye earlier and it looks intriguing... though my privacy issues might get the better of me.
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