Sunday, March 02, 2014

Weekend digest.

A recent night out with AM, QC1 and others was enjoyable but tough. Tough because I had been out on Friday night with work that got a little boisterous, more so than I had planned and involved a little more than alcohol.

I called it quits early enough and got home before midnight, but I spent all day yesterday really spaced out - extremely tired and in badly need of more sleep that I didn't get.

So when it was time to meet everyone, I wasn't really in the mood for it, but it turned out to be a really good evening. AM and QC1 queried me about my dating status (as usual), so I mentioned a girl I'd been trying to meet all last year. The first thing QC1 said was...

"Is there anything we can help with?"

AM chipped in in agreement. Another nail in the coffin of my friendship with GB. We had a discussion about the blind date that QC1 wanted to arrange and I'd refused. Funnily enough, AM's suggestion was exactly what I'd said to QC1 and KfW2 - I don't do blind dates, but make it a more casual affair and just see what happens.

I didn't get into any kind of detail regarding anything but we covered topics that will be familiar to BN readers - CB, KfW2, QC2, online dating etc. as there were simply too many people to talk to to sit down and conversations were very fluid, moving from people to people.

I'm going to try and get in touch with AM this week - even if it's just via email - to expand on a lot of stuff and fill her in on the past year or so.

But I still need some more sleep.

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