Sunday, March 23, 2014

I want a new drug.

The illness is easing, but a lot more slowly than I would like. I got no sleep last night due to a headache that I've not been able to shift in almost 24 hours despite taking several different remedies. Right now, I don't know if the headache is related to the illness or the lack of sleep - probably the latter at this stage. If it hasn't eased by tomorrow, I'll go and see my GP.

I had a bit of a chat with CH last night - just our usual typical thing - which was we get onto a topic and then it stops. Usually, it's because I think that she thinks that the conversation is getting close to the knuckle (which it doesn't really - our communication is usually well above board), but last night we were (unfortunately) talking about GB's health issues.

My attempts to bring the topic onto my own concerns (the health/fitness thing that I'm hoping to address as soon as I shake this illness and the online dating stuff that's been stagnant for the past few weeks and is starting to get me down a bit) didn't happen and we stayed on the subject of GB til the conversation simply stopped.

CH and I don't talk enough in my opinion - mostly, I think, because we simply don't get the chance. I (or we) just need to figure out how to have more, proper conversations rather than simply fall into our usual routine of banter. The last proper conversation we had was, in my opinion, very productive.

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