Saturday, March 08, 2014


I'm feeling very body conscious today. I know that I've been steadily putting on weight since last summer - plenty of comfort eating and drinking during what was a stressful enough time. My work clothes have felt just a little tighter than they should over the past few weeks and I really need to do something about it.

The good thing is that I do have a plan in place, and I should be able to start it this week as a warm up, then properly in about ten days time after our big night out. In fact, once I get the big night out over, I'm planning on cutting out as much alcohol as possible on top of the exercise and dietary stuff I have planned.

I'm feeling very positive about it as well - motivation shouldn't be an issue and if I can get a handle on the food/dietary aspect of it (which is where I always fail), then I'm looking forward to getting fitter and dropping a lot of weight for the summer.

In addition, I'm hoping that this plan will also help sort out a lot of niggling injuries I've had over the past few years that have really stopped me doing any sport or serious exercise like the gym.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go you!

You can do it :)


After Nerdy Girl and I had done out walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the...