CH has featured rather prominently in conversations with USHW over the past week or so. It's USHW's opinion that CH is definitely playing games and building up to something. My opinion is that while there is definite mutual attraction, I really don't see it ever panning out to anything. CH only seems to show this flirty behaviour when drunk, though the last time we were out, she was a little more public with it than she has been previously. What USHW and I both agree on is that anything happening between us is a bad idea.
The next time we're both due to be out is the next work thing which is in a few weeks' time - assuming she doesn't have yet another family crisis that rules out her attendance. Part of me thinks I should simply stop playing the games/flirting and just have CH as a friend, but part of me, knowing that she's partly interested wants to see it through to whatever climax this reaches.
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