Despite my last post title, I've been meaning to take a break from drinking for a while. This summer has been quite busy, socially, and the next month or so is probably going to be the same. In a conversation today, KfW2 asked me about my plans for the next while and I rattled off a few days that I had planned. Once at the end of this week and another two at the end of September. Originally, KfW2 was meant to be out on Friday, but she's changed her mind. CH is going to turn up though and be extremely drunk. This is going to be tremendously funny. She's good fun and I can't remember the last time we were both drunk at the same time - possibly the first time I ever met her and kissed her (in full view of everyone and a kiss "kiss", not a snog). I think I've mentioned that there is a bit of chemistry between us and we've been described as a mirror image of each other in terms of cheekiness. Anyway, I'm digressing a little...
"That's not bad" I thought to myself. "Maybe I can actually use this to de-tox and formulate the fitness plan that I've been promising myself for months".
Then I remembered that M and MM recently had a little girl and that M is already suggesting pints to wet the baby's head. And a postponed night with KfW2 herself, that we promised ourselves sometimes in September. And FP was asking about a night out, too. And I haven't seen DSC in ages (texted and stuff, but not seen in the flesh). Oh, and QC2 suggested last week that she'd be in contact once she returned from her holidays. This is all socialising that, by and large, will involve alcohol. I can maybe avoid it with DSC by taking her out for lunch or something, but the others are very definitely pub and booze nights.
Even ignoring the health benefits of knocking the booze on the head, there's the cost as well. Laying off the booze for a month is easily worth a couple of hundred quid in my pocket that can be put to good use.
Me, talking about the things that I find interesting or general stuff that's going on in my life.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Alcohol is great. Not evil.
"Let's go for cocktails," she said.
It was a kind of running joke where we'd seen a bar advertise two-for-one cocktails on a Thursday night and decided that we'd head out some night and try them. That was ages ago. But her fiancé was working and her son was off on his holidays with his dad, leaving her free to do what she wanted.
So we went out for cocktails. We had one each in the first bar, then moved on. That's kinda where the night fell apart (from a cocktails perspective). We tried another bar, but their cocktail menu was poor and went across the road instead to my second favourite bar in the city.
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, my second favourite bar does not serve cocktails. So we got stuck into gins instead. We do like our gins, KfW2 and me. And that was pretty much it for the next few hours - we talked, KfW2 asked some questions, and I gave answers. I did mean to talk to KfW2 about her comment from the gig a few days previously regarding not treating her like a female, but there was never a lull in the conversation to shoehorn it in, and I was enjoying the conversation anyway which flowed easily.
The highlight of the night (if you want to call it a highlight) was a thread of conversation we had about my living abroad, which took us on to the subject of FA2 and my relationship with her. KfW2 said that getting the story out of me was like pulling teeth. I think she was being a little unfair. I know that I can have trouble opening up, but my pauses were more to gather my thoughts and to try to not sound bitter and hateful rather than a reluctance to share any of the information. I can't remember what I've said about FA2 here, but I do know there's a draft post somewhere when I was sitting down and trying to get it all out in the open. It's a draft because it's unfinished and also because (like above), I'd rather people judge the entire story based on fact rather than me ranting about it (because I think it paints FA2 in a rather mental light so if I can report it factually, people will see that for themselves).
KfW2 did admit that she thought FA2 was out of line and just a little bit weird, but didn't dwell on it and continued asking questions about whether I really liked FA2 (I did) or if the breakup or the manner of the breakup had put me off relationships (it didn't).
KfW2's fiancée came down about 11PM to pick her up and that's where I should have gone home (i.e. the clever thing to do), but no, I went round to my favourite bar to meet a few friends where we managed to clap eyes on this D-list celebrity:
It's Orlaith McAllister: she's actually really pretty in real life... Anyway, I stayed on for another while, having another few drinks with friends. Let's just say that work wasn't fun in the morning, but it was probably worth it.
I'm aware that this blog could turn into a series of "KfW2 is awesome" posts, and I hope it doesn't (even though she is great and we are spending a bit of time together) but do expect to see her mentioned a bit more over the next few months.
It was a kind of running joke where we'd seen a bar advertise two-for-one cocktails on a Thursday night and decided that we'd head out some night and try them. That was ages ago. But her fiancé was working and her son was off on his holidays with his dad, leaving her free to do what she wanted.
So we went out for cocktails. We had one each in the first bar, then moved on. That's kinda where the night fell apart (from a cocktails perspective). We tried another bar, but their cocktail menu was poor and went across the road instead to my second favourite bar in the city.
Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, my second favourite bar does not serve cocktails. So we got stuck into gins instead. We do like our gins, KfW2 and me. And that was pretty much it for the next few hours - we talked, KfW2 asked some questions, and I gave answers. I did mean to talk to KfW2 about her comment from the gig a few days previously regarding not treating her like a female, but there was never a lull in the conversation to shoehorn it in, and I was enjoying the conversation anyway which flowed easily.
The highlight of the night (if you want to call it a highlight) was a thread of conversation we had about my living abroad, which took us on to the subject of FA2 and my relationship with her. KfW2 said that getting the story out of me was like pulling teeth. I think she was being a little unfair. I know that I can have trouble opening up, but my pauses were more to gather my thoughts and to try to not sound bitter and hateful rather than a reluctance to share any of the information. I can't remember what I've said about FA2 here, but I do know there's a draft post somewhere when I was sitting down and trying to get it all out in the open. It's a draft because it's unfinished and also because (like above), I'd rather people judge the entire story based on fact rather than me ranting about it (because I think it paints FA2 in a rather mental light so if I can report it factually, people will see that for themselves).
KfW2 did admit that she thought FA2 was out of line and just a little bit weird, but didn't dwell on it and continued asking questions about whether I really liked FA2 (I did) or if the breakup or the manner of the breakup had put me off relationships (it didn't).
KfW2's fiancée came down about 11PM to pick her up and that's where I should have gone home (i.e. the clever thing to do), but no, I went round to my favourite bar to meet a few friends where we managed to clap eyes on this D-list celebrity:
It's Orlaith McAllister: she's actually really pretty in real life... Anyway, I stayed on for another while, having another few drinks with friends. Let's just say that work wasn't fun in the morning, but it was probably worth it.
I'm aware that this blog could turn into a series of "KfW2 is awesome" posts, and I hope it doesn't (even though she is great and we are spending a bit of time together) but do expect to see her mentioned a bit more over the next few months.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Rock on.
I don't know if this hangover is going to decide to kick in properly or just hang about all day on the periphery, threatening to take hold. But the gig I went to yesterday was brilliant, I met with KfW2 and FP and their respective partners mid-afternoon and just went from there.
KfW2 has met FP's wife before and they get on like a house on fire, so she had some girly company.
There's not a lot of detail to go into, really - it was a fun day without too many "incidents". It was a great gig, KfW2 really enjoyed herself - I don't know if she was talking about the gig or the day in general (I think it's the latter), it was great spending time with FP and his wife (who I don't see enough of). I swapped a few texts with AM who was also at the gig, but we didn't meet up, though we've made tentative plans to meet up sometime soon.
There was a funny moment where I'd taken myself off to use the facilities and had triangulated where we were standing, so returned in super quick time, only to drunkenly wander past the guys. It's not like I wasn't seen - KfW2 smacked me in the head and I just looked at her, smiled and dandered on only for her to follow me and pull me back. Oh dear. *embarrassed face*
And a comment made by KfW2 that will require follow up is that she (I think) complained about the fact I didn't treat her as a girl. FP's wife said that I did that to her too. Hmmm. I'm out with KfW2 tomorrow after work. I might bring this up again.
Oh, and on the way out, we managed to meet up with QC2 and her partner. I knew they'd be at the gig, but I wasn't expecting to bump into them. I managed a quick round of introductions (cos KfW2 has recently complained that I don't share enough) before we all went on our separate ways.
KfW2 has met FP's wife before and they get on like a house on fire, so she had some girly company.
There's not a lot of detail to go into, really - it was a fun day without too many "incidents". It was a great gig, KfW2 really enjoyed herself - I don't know if she was talking about the gig or the day in general (I think it's the latter), it was great spending time with FP and his wife (who I don't see enough of). I swapped a few texts with AM who was also at the gig, but we didn't meet up, though we've made tentative plans to meet up sometime soon.
There was a funny moment where I'd taken myself off to use the facilities and had triangulated where we were standing, so returned in super quick time, only to drunkenly wander past the guys. It's not like I wasn't seen - KfW2 smacked me in the head and I just looked at her, smiled and dandered on only for her to follow me and pull me back. Oh dear. *embarrassed face*
And a comment made by KfW2 that will require follow up is that she (I think) complained about the fact I didn't treat her as a girl. FP's wife said that I did that to her too. Hmmm. I'm out with KfW2 tomorrow after work. I might bring this up again.
Oh, and on the way out, we managed to meet up with QC2 and her partner. I knew they'd be at the gig, but I wasn't expecting to bump into them. I managed a quick round of introductions (cos KfW2 has recently complained that I don't share enough) before we all went on our separate ways.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
It's amazing what you can do with Facebook, access to a website and a Google Images plugin for Chrome.
News report.
Last night wasn't the entire disaster that I had anticipated given that my friend S's friends were calling the shots. I gambled a little and went into town half an hour early, to see if the brunette was at my favourite pub. She wasn't, but I kinda caught the eye of this blonde girl, who seemed to be waiting for someone. S text and told me where they were headed and with the brunette not being about, I left to meet him.
We had one drink in this other bar and left because it was dead and went to my second favourite bar. It's really tiny, so we had to queue. Who joined the queue a few people back, but the blonde girl... still on her own. We were in the upstairs bar and unsurprisingly, the blonde girl arrived a few moinutes later. She stood at the bar, nursing a pint of Guinness and making eye contact with me again. Beyond standing beside her at the bar, I never did anything. She did seem to strike up a conversation with another bloke who was standing beside me away from the bar and she sounded English, rather than local. After a while though, she moved away from these people, back to the bar, where the eye contact resumed. I didn't do anything about it, bantered with SD's friends and a few girls around me.
No doubt, when I regale others with this story, I will be slapped and told that she was gagging for it, but I think it's odd that someone would go out on their own. In hindsight, I probably should have made a token effort... something tells me that's all it would have taken.
Overall: pat on the back for being pro-active and seeing if the brunette was about. Kick in the arse for not at least opening a conversation with the blonde.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Well, thanks to the good weather, I've managed to arrange a night out tonight. There a re a few more people coming along than I originally anticipated, but this isn't an issue as long as we get to go to my favourite pub to see if the cute brunette from last week is there. If not, then nothing ventured, nothing gained and we can go elsewhere for the rest of the night. If so, then we'll see what happens.
Unfortunately, UF is here this weekend and I was kinda hoping that I'd have the place to myself in case I was fortunate enough to meet up with the brunette again.
EDIT: And just now the texts have started coming in... despite me doing all the chasing and cajoling, my friend (who had invited his mates along) is now telling me that his mates are calling the shots. I really fucking hate it when this happens.
Unfortunately, UF is here this weekend and I was kinda hoping that I'd have the place to myself in case I was fortunate enough to meet up with the brunette again.
EDIT: And just now the texts have started coming in... despite me doing all the chasing and cajoling, my friend (who had invited his mates along) is now telling me that his mates are calling the shots. I really fucking hate it when this happens.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
And this fine young filly is called Emma Willis. By now, I think it's apparent that I have a thing for brunettes, even ones with short hair (I think that's sexy on a girl). Despite the fact she doesn't have dark eyes, she is really quite stunning.
Groundwork (part 2)
My "date" with QC2 went well. They always do - lots of talking, catching up, swapping of information etc. We only really meet up maybe two or three times a year, but it's enough really. I explained recent events in my life, including both E and KfW2's wedding plans (both involve travel), some work related stuff and she gave me what's happened in her life.
QC2, is quite active and do some marathons etc. and she mentioned that MMBF has started joining them in preparation for a big run at the end of September, so I used this as an excuse to ask QC2 to tell MMBF that I was asking after her.
Later, I was talking about the travel plans for KfW2 and E's weddings and mentioned that I was now in the hunt for a Plus One, and QC2 suggested that I ask MMBF. We kinda joked around that for a few seconds before the conversation moved on. I don't know if I said enough to QC2 to show that I was at least semi-serious, but I think I did.
QC2, is quite active and do some marathons etc. and she mentioned that MMBF has started joining them in preparation for a big run at the end of September, so I used this as an excuse to ask QC2 to tell MMBF that I was asking after her.
Later, I was talking about the travel plans for KfW2 and E's weddings and mentioned that I was now in the hunt for a Plus One, and QC2 suggested that I ask MMBF. We kinda joked around that for a few seconds before the conversation moved on. I don't know if I said enough to QC2 to show that I was at least semi-serious, but I think I did.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
After the fun at the pub last week and recent conversations elsewhere, I find myself quite highly strung (if you want to put it politely) or horny as fuck (if you don't). Based on advice from QC1 a few years ago after the Near Miss incident, and with this weekend meant to be warm and sunny again, I think I might try and get a few people together to head back to my favourite bar (scene of last week's brunette) and see if she's about.
I still think that she was interested, but it was her friends that caused her to suddenly appear to change her mind, so it'd be fun if we could pick up where we left off. And it would be more fun if I could get her back to mine... or go back to hers.
I still think that she was interested, but it was her friends that caused her to suddenly appear to change her mind, so it'd be fun if we could pick up where we left off. And it would be more fun if I could get her back to mine... or go back to hers.
I'm just back from watching Ted and while Mila Kunis is gorgeous, she doesn't hold a candle to Norah Jones. I think I'm in love.
Monday, August 13, 2012
Girl talk.
I mentioned today to KfW2 that I had a "hot date" on Wednesday night, and when she asked who it was, I admitted the truth and said that it was QC2. She laughed and said that that it wasn't a hot date. My counter "argument" was that QC2 was attractive and that meeting a female of the opposite sex in a bar can always be considered a date... even if it is a platonic date.
That brought us on to the subject of my lack of female companion, so I briefly gave her the story of Saturday night. She said I was useless, but in actual fact, I think I was doing all right on Saturday... if her bored/annoyed chums hadn't interjected, I think I might have been on to something there.
So KfW2 said that when we have our night out (originally meant to be Saturday past there somewhat ironically) but has been rescheduled for the middle of next month, that she would get me a woman. I asked if she took requests, which brought forth a few chuckles. I'm semi-intrigued to see what she'd say if she did seriously ask for my preferences bearing in mind that she is close to being my ideal woman, both physically and personality-wise, too.
That brought us on to the subject of my lack of female companion, so I briefly gave her the story of Saturday night. She said I was useless, but in actual fact, I think I was doing all right on Saturday... if her bored/annoyed chums hadn't interjected, I think I might have been on to something there.
So KfW2 said that when we have our night out (originally meant to be Saturday past there somewhat ironically) but has been rescheduled for the middle of next month, that she would get me a woman. I asked if she took requests, which brought forth a few chuckles. I'm semi-intrigued to see what she'd say if she did seriously ask for my preferences bearing in mind that she is close to being my ideal woman, both physically and personality-wise, too.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
It's 9PM on a Sunday night. Everyone's tired and grumpy. What do you do if you're MfW (bearing in mind he had people back on Friday night and kept me and UF awake for a good few hours)? You put on a fucking wash, that's what you do.
We live in an apartment block, FFS. Do these fucktards not realise that you're not just pissing off your flatmates, but those who live above, below and beside us?
We live in an apartment block, FFS. Do these fucktards not realise that you're not just pissing off your flatmates, but those who live above, below and beside us?
I've been listening to the washing machine now for an hour and three quarters (my bedroom and specifically desk are literally feet from the washing machine, albeit with a wall between us) and the spin cycle (i.e. the noisy part) has just now kicked in... at fucking quarter to eleven.
Thirty (plus) year old men should be more fucking savvy than this.
Maybe I should just sink to their level and do whatever the fuck I please - stop housework, stop emptying the bin, bring people back at all hours of the night and slam doors behind me.
I am too lazy to think of a title.
I made last-minute arrangements to head out with FP last night. I haven't seen him since my birthday, and to be honest, I was so drunk that night, it doesn't really count. Anyway, we ended up at my favourite pub, outside because the weather was so good, and just spent a couple of hours catching up and general taking the piss out of people trying to chat up women and failing (prime example was the guy who was about 5'5" trying to chat up this blonde stunner in heels who was about 5'10").
Regardless, it was getting on in the evening and FP and myself were discussing a brunette woman who appeared to be be slim, going by her jeans, but was wearing a top that made her look, well, not slim. We were having a good laugh about all this (cos she was another one who was getting chatted up by numpties) when we made eye contact and she berated me for not having a drink in my hand.
Around ten minutes later, her friends came and sat down at the bench we were sitting on, leaving no room for the tall brunette, so I motioned for her to sit on my lap... which she did. After a bit of banter back and forth, I gave up my seat for her and FP and myself chatted away with them for a bit. FP's wife came down to give him a lift home and while my original plan was also to leave at this time, things were going well with the brunette girl, so I decided to hang around to see if anything would happen.
Long story short, nothing happened. While she was interested, and while we did end up chatting for about fifteen minutes, she suddenly stopped. Her friends had been making noises about moving on to another bar (even though this was now about ten minutes before closing) and had been playing on their phones, so once they started getting a bit shirty, the brunette simply stopped. She wasn't rude or anything... it was just like there was a switch that went to 'off'. I said my goodbyes to all three women and trundled off home.
This morning, FP has been texting asking for updates and he is pretty surprised that absolutely nothing happened last night. He's not the only one, to be fair! No matter, for the first time in ages, I actually enjoyed the whole chatting up thing. I don't always. I put this down to the fact that the brunette had at least shown some indicators that she was a little interested - tactile etc. so I was able to just get on with the chatting up rather than worry about whether or not I was wasting my time.
Regardless, it was getting on in the evening and FP and myself were discussing a brunette woman who appeared to be be slim, going by her jeans, but was wearing a top that made her look, well, not slim. We were having a good laugh about all this (cos she was another one who was getting chatted up by numpties) when we made eye contact and she berated me for not having a drink in my hand.
Around ten minutes later, her friends came and sat down at the bench we were sitting on, leaving no room for the tall brunette, so I motioned for her to sit on my lap... which she did. After a bit of banter back and forth, I gave up my seat for her and FP and myself chatted away with them for a bit. FP's wife came down to give him a lift home and while my original plan was also to leave at this time, things were going well with the brunette girl, so I decided to hang around to see if anything would happen.
Long story short, nothing happened. While she was interested, and while we did end up chatting for about fifteen minutes, she suddenly stopped. Her friends had been making noises about moving on to another bar (even though this was now about ten minutes before closing) and had been playing on their phones, so once they started getting a bit shirty, the brunette simply stopped. She wasn't rude or anything... it was just like there was a switch that went to 'off'. I said my goodbyes to all three women and trundled off home.
This morning, FP has been texting asking for updates and he is pretty surprised that absolutely nothing happened last night. He's not the only one, to be fair! No matter, for the first time in ages, I actually enjoyed the whole chatting up thing. I don't always. I put this down to the fact that the brunette had at least shown some indicators that she was a little interested - tactile etc. so I was able to just get on with the chatting up rather than worry about whether or not I was wasting my time.
Thursday, August 09, 2012
Pictorially speaking (stalking, stalking, stalking. Happy Stalk).
A quick post as I am due to head out to a BBQ in a few minutes, but a couple of recent conversations have made me remember a few photos that I came across recently:
I say "came across", but that's not strictly true. The above picture was taken by me at lunchtime today as I followed this girl into town. She was very pretty, but it's this view that's the most impressive - tight black leggings and boots but a great, great arse. Other boxes are ticked - she was athletic, she's got dark hair that's just about the right length (a smidgen too long in an ideal world). Sad to say that I kinda got transfixed by her arse and found myself almost walking past my original destination.
The above picture is from a social-cum-dating site that DSC tried to get me to join a few months ago - I had an account for about two weeks. It's for your phone and you essentially see who's nearby (assuming you have GPS on your phone). It was a horrible app/website, but when I was briefly in London in May, this girl popped up on my radar and this is her actual profile picture. It just says a lot really - it's really sexy without being tacky and if I lived in London, I think I'd definitely be looking to meet her for a chat... assuming that it's really her.
I say "came across", but that's not strictly true. The above picture was taken by me at lunchtime today as I followed this girl into town. She was very pretty, but it's this view that's the most impressive - tight black leggings and boots but a great, great arse. Other boxes are ticked - she was athletic, she's got dark hair that's just about the right length (a smidgen too long in an ideal world). Sad to say that I kinda got transfixed by her arse and found myself almost walking past my original destination.
The above picture is from a social-cum-dating site that DSC tried to get me to join a few months ago - I had an account for about two weeks. It's for your phone and you essentially see who's nearby (assuming you have GPS on your phone). It was a horrible app/website, but when I was briefly in London in May, this girl popped up on my radar and this is her actual profile picture. It just says a lot really - it's really sexy without being tacky and if I lived in London, I think I'd definitely be looking to meet her for a chat... assuming that it's really her.
Monday, August 06, 2012
Big drama.
Hmmm... I was due to meet DSC yesterday for a catch up and lunch, but when she still hadn't confirmed, I called her. She was distraught because her boyfriend (who I have a REALLY low opinion of) had spent all the previous evening in his tracksuit, surfing the internet and texting his mates instead of taking DSC out for a romantic meal for her birthday as they had planned. Christ, even I knew what the plans were weeks ago.
Obviously, DSC was pissed, but this appears to be a step too far and she was talking about breaking up with her useless other half.
I sent a few texts today, but her mood hasn't improved, although she's not quite single yet, but this might only be a matter of time. Part of me wants her to be single because I think she'll be in a better place mentally (he really is useless, by the way) but part of me wants her to stay with him because, by her own admission, she is useless on her own and actively needs someone and I'd far rather she pestered her boyfriend about relationship stuff than bug me about being single.
I think I might keep my head down for a day or so and let her figure it out for herself.
Obviously, DSC was pissed, but this appears to be a step too far and she was talking about breaking up with her useless other half.
I sent a few texts today, but her mood hasn't improved, although she's not quite single yet, but this might only be a matter of time. Part of me wants her to be single because I think she'll be in a better place mentally (he really is useless, by the way) but part of me wants her to stay with him because, by her own admission, she is useless on her own and actively needs someone and I'd far rather she pestered her boyfriend about relationship stuff than bug me about being single.
I think I might keep my head down for a day or so and let her figure it out for herself.
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Being busy.
It seems that I've been busy recently with getting in contact with people. I've arranged to meet QC2, there are social things arranged with KfW2 over the next few months, I met with M a few days ago and now E.
I messaged E on Facebook last night to try and catch up. I haven't spoken to her since she was home a few months ago and, more importantly, since she got engaged. We've tentatively arranged something next weekend with regards a Skype call, so it'll be good to get in contact again. Maybe she'll have some details about her wedding sorted out too, so I'll know if I'm due to travel halfway around the world.
Part of me would love that, but given that it would easily cost a couple of thousand pounds, part of me hopes she gets married at home. Knowing E though, either way, it'll probably be a small ceremony that she'll only want a few people to attend.
I messaged E on Facebook last night to try and catch up. I haven't spoken to her since she was home a few months ago and, more importantly, since she got engaged. We've tentatively arranged something next weekend with regards a Skype call, so it'll be good to get in contact again. Maybe she'll have some details about her wedding sorted out too, so I'll know if I'm due to travel halfway around the world.
Part of me would love that, but given that it would easily cost a couple of thousand pounds, part of me hopes she gets married at home. Knowing E though, either way, it'll probably be a small ceremony that she'll only want a few people to attend.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
M did text back and we ended up going for a few drinks last night. Based on what I've said in previous posts, this is probably the last for a while. I did manage to swing the conversation around to MMBF and once again stated a preference? No, that's not the right word. Appreciation? That's better. We talked about her for a while, M said that he'd not seen her for a while, but MM has seen her a few times. I don't know if our chat will filter through to MM or MMBF, but we'll see.
M had said in the past that she was bonkers but admitted last night that it was perhaps an exaggeration. MM's insistence that she's "too sophisticated" for me is quite insightful - I'm attracted to more of a jeans and pints girl, whereas I think MMBF is more of a little black dress and glass of champagne woman.
Regardless, I still want to get to know her better and still have the chat with QC2 upcoming.
M had said in the past that she was bonkers but admitted last night that it was perhaps an exaggeration. MM's insistence that she's "too sophisticated" for me is quite insightful - I'm attracted to more of a jeans and pints girl, whereas I think MMBF is more of a little black dress and glass of champagne woman.
Regardless, I still want to get to know her better and still have the chat with QC2 upcoming.
Thursday, August 02, 2012
What to do?
At the start of the week I was considering a quiet weekend, but I now have a thirst on and want to get out of the apartment. I've text M to see if he's free (but I'm not expecting anything as MM is heavily pregnant and due within the next five weeks), but there's no reply so far.
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Giveth and taketh.
While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen: a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...
Following on from this post I've got my hands on this year's first shortlist for the High Street Honeys award. How will the ladies ...
Today, I decided that it's been far too long since I've seen QC2, so I sent a text message in the hope that she'll reply soon. E...