Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Hello again.

D's wife posted something on Facebook (D is not actually a member) that reminded me of a girl that I had a crush on back in the day. It was complicated in that we were friends with a few guys who were in some bands. They really took it quite seriously and thought they had a real shot. They didn't really, but it was great going to see them in pubs.

I was introduced to this girl who was super cute and we chatted for ages.

The thing is, it turned out she was dating the drummer of this band. He was sound enough, but he also had real anger issues. They were massively on/off. Like really frequently. And yet she was really sweet. I don't think I was the only one in our friend group who had a crush on her.

I can't even remember how they drifted apart from the rest of us. Maybe D moved out of the shared house? I can't remember.

This would have been years ago, between the dalliance with FBS and meeting FA2.

But anyway, the girl in question posted a message on D's wife's Facebook earlier. I hadn't thought of her in years. We weren't friendly enough that I'd consider getting ion contact again though, but a pleasant few minutes reminiscing about that period in my life.

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