Friday, June 30, 2023


Out of the blue, a random, drunk call from KfW2. She's out with her husband at a gig and very not sober. I think she was going to call round and call a cab from mine but I am already in bed having had terrible sleep for nearly two weeks. Today was an early start at work and I was already running on empty.

So, yeah, I'm in bed. And as much as I am a sucker for a pretty face, once I'm settled, I'm settled.

Had she texted or called earlier and suggested such a thing, I'd have been all over it and made the effort to stay awake.

But still... a drunk phone call from my friend brought a smile to my face.


It's E's birthday today. I've not spoken to her in a while, and I miss her terribly. I've sent her a message separately, but Happy Birthday, E!


Late yesterday evening, CAB popped into my head. I don't know what triggered it, but it was a memory of one of our first dates. I'd returned from a foreign trip to see AM and QC1 the day before. I think I've blogged about this previously.

This was a Sunday. Back in the day, some school friends and I would head to a quiet bar, out of town and have a drink or two to wind down the weekend. This time, though, it was CAB who phoned. She agreed to pick me up and the arrangements were made. Not long after, BW called for the usual weekend wind-down.

I apologised and explained that CAB had already been on the phone.

She turned up not long after and off we went. It was enjoyable though uneventful. When she dropped me off at home later that evening, she kissed me. It turned into a bit of a snogging session and by the time we parted, the car had well and truly steamed up.

That then provoked another memory of our first date. I'd asked CAB out to lunch. We had a great time and as we parted, we made last-minute plans to meet after work to continue the date. Halfway through the date, CAB got a message that her friend (who had a thing for BW) had been made redundant. She needed a shoulder to cry on, so our date ended. CAB at least asked her friend to give me a lift home.

As I was dropped off, CAB asked that I didn't just run into the house. She got out too and went in for the kiss. If her friend hadn't been in the car, and already impatient, then it would have lasted a lot longer than the few seconds we spent kissing.

So, yeah, unprovoked enjoyable memories.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Lookalikes (adult version)

I seem to recall posting a while back about how adult film star Corey Chase reminded me a little of CAB. The shape of the nose and mouth, mainly. Body shape, too, I think, though Corey Chase is a little more toned in the abs than CAB was.

Well, a similar thought popped into my head last night. I think I might have already made a comparison between (ex) adult film star Mindy Main and Sports Girl. But from a non-facial perspective (no pun intended), body-wise, MM reminds me of CH.

Obviously, I've not seen CH naked and I have seen MM naked, but I have seen CH wearing skinny jeans and tight jumpers, and form-fitting dresses.

There was another adult film star lookalike that crossed my mind, but that's forgotten for the moment.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

First time.

I was going to make a post about how Facebook had reminded me that today is the 13th anniversary of meeting DSC for the first time. There are pictures of us out at one of my favourite bars with her then-closest friend and other people. But I'm actually doubting myself. I can remember another day when I met DSC alone, we met for lunch and drinks, had fun, chatted, and parted ways at tea time. It was definitely one of those times that was our first meeting.

I'm actually leaning towards the alone one rather than the group one, now that I think about it. I definitely wouldn't have met her in a group for our first meeting.

Unlike other people who I've grown apart from over the course of this blog (CH being the obvious candidate here), I do not miss DSC at all.

Friday, June 23, 2023


Years ago, I had a night out with KfW2, CH and S. I'm pretty sure I blogged about it at the time, so I went off to find the post so I could reminisce. That was provoked by the somewhat X-rated dream from a few nights ago. Plus I miss going to the pub to people-watch and chat with friends.

I couldn't find it, but it did take me down a rabbit hole of posts featuring KfW2, S and CH, including the night CH asked me to kiss her, then fondled my ass as we stood, back-to-back, chatting to different people.

Man, I miss all that stuff. I miss KfW2. I miss the vague stuff with CH, though I'd obviously much prefer to do all that flirting etc. with someone that I could end up with. I miss socialising.

Hello again.

BR was in contact a few days ago. Was I free in a few weeks? He was going to be in town for a few days. This is great timing. I'm due to take a week off, so this would be a great start to that time.

I told FP about it. He seemed keen to meet up, too.

It's unlikely to be a trip to the pub - both BR and FP have their own reasons for not drinking alcohol these days.

But it'll be great to see the guys.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Dress for Success

Going back to a post a few days ago where I mentioned that I miss seeing young ladies in summer attire, I came across an Instagram post from Lucy Verasamy, a UK weather forecaster. And I guess it was exactly what I was talking about - summer dresses. A type of dress that KfW2 used to wear a lot. And I spotted Quiet Girl wearing similar at a work event a few years back.

It's not the drinking I miss about not going to the pub, it's the sitting in a beer garden on a nice day, people watching and, yes, having a bit of a perv.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Absolutely perfect.

A few days ago, I was chatting with an online friend about the US Open golf. Specifically, my decision to stay up late to watch Rory McIlroy. I moaned about my own stupidity in staying up late when I had work on Monday morning. He laughed and agreed and moaned that he didn't even see golfer Ricky Fowler's wife for a bit of eye candy.

The eye candy in question is someone that I've mentioned before on this blog: Allison Stokke. For reasons that I can't remember, my friend posted a couple of pictures of her.

"Looks at the traps on her!" he exclaimed.

"I don't see an issue there, tbh. Athletic women float my boat."

"I don't like my women having bigger muscles than me, tbf."

"Not a problem for me!" I replied.

While I have dated some women with great figures, I've never dated someone who's as athletic as Allison Stokke, though I would love to. I'd have to get off my fat ass and join her occasionally for some proper exercise, though I'd not be against that. USHW always said I was a sucker for a pretty face, though CH was unable to get me to join her for a run. I'm also a sucker for abs too, and a figure like those pictured in this post is pretty much my ideal. It reminds me of a conversation I had with USHW years ago around boobs vs abs.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Working it out.

My sleep continues to be awful. I reckon, at best, I got about two hours last night. A dream also featured a foreign hotel, rooftop swimming pool and CH. And sex. Lots of sex.

I don't recall if there was any context to the dream, just that CH and I were together at a foreign boutique hotel (in Spain, maybe?) We were having an affair and using work as our cover, and CH was tanned, toned and wearing a white bikini... when we weren't in bed/the shower/the hotel balcony etc.

I don't know of a picture of Alison Brie in a white bikini, but here's one of her in a dress from the days when she did give off a very CH vibe.

Suffice it to say, there's been lots of frustration. And I've also been awake since about 4AM, so I've already got a splitting headache and my eyes hurt.

I do normally get a lot more horny when the weather is nice, but it's not been as pronounced this year. Is it because I've not left the house that much, so seeing attractive women in summer clothes at the pub etc. is a rarity?

Monday, June 19, 2023

Untitled Celebrity "Appreciation" Post.

I binged one of the more recent Star Trek series over the weekend - Strange New Worlds. I'm not a Star Trek fan really, at least not of the TV series. I quite like the newer films though, and SNW is actually really good.

Anyway, Jess Bush (Nurse Chapel) caught my eye. I think it's that platinum blonde shaggy bob haircut. See also Jennifer whatsherface in Passengers. I'm pretty sure that I've posted about it before.

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Even with the weather breaking yesterday and the temperatures noticeably cooler, I still found it difficult to get any quality sleep last night.

We're meant to have changeable weather for the next two weeks. I'm kinda disappointed because I love the sunny weather. I love the vibe around the city, and I surely don't need to mention the sundresses?

The change in weather will be good for my garden, but I'd far rather be sitting the back garden with a beer and a book.

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Walk and talk.

I met Nerdy Girl last night and we went for a walk. Not our usual walk, but to the coast.

We actually met at our usual meeting place, but instead of walking, we sat on a park bench and chatted. An attractive brunette walked past. I initially thought it was Quiet Girl, who I'd actually been chatting to earlier. She had the same build, the same shape face and the same type of dog. But it wasn't her.

Nerdy Girl nudged me.

"You know her or having a perv?"

"First one then the other?" I explained that I initially thought it was QG, but it wasn't so enjoyed the view anyway. Kinda surprised she didn't put two and two together and ask the obvious question. I think that's the first time I've shown any interest in a woman in her company.

Nerdy Girl nodded, then suggested a coastal walk instead of our usual route. It was stiflingly hot in the city.

We left the bench to pick up her car from Nerdy Girl's house. It was literally a matter of seconds away. It turns out that the coastal walk she wanted to do was the same one that I used to do with FA2 back in the day. 

That prompted some fond memories. It's a lot more popular now, so even if we were so inclined, you can't nip off the beaten path for some privacy any more, if you know what I mean. Plus Nerdy Girl is always good company. And, with the weather being like it is, there were further perving opportunities. All that plus a six-mile walk? Nice.

Wednesday, June 14, 2023


The ridiculously good weather here in the UK has caused more than a few sleep issues. I reckon the past few nights have seen me average less than 5 hours of sleep each. It felt especially tough this morning getting out of bed, plus I think I dreamed of both FBS and FA2 last night. 

I certainly woke this morning with FA2 and FBS on my mind (in a very adult way) and, more surprisingly, a craving for fresh cream. I've no idea how that ties into my dream. While FA2 and I enjoyed fresh cream in numerous ways on a variety of occasions, there's no such history with FBS.

Suffice it to say, I took a trip to the local bakery at lunchtime for a cream cake. 

Monday, June 12, 2023


I've had a few impromptu days off work recently, taking advantage of our really good weather. I've not done an awful lot, just chill mainly. However, weirdly, it's always seemed like there's been a lot of kids running around. So my idea of chilling in the back garden with a book didn't really pan out.

Today has been different though, it's really quiet and I've enjoyed the few hours I've already had in the garden getting some reading in.

Random nonsense

As I was randomly surfing Reddit yesterday, I happened across not one, but two pictures of Alison Brie. They're interesting because they make a point that I'm pretty sure I've blogged about before... her resemblance (if you squint) to both CH and QC2.

In her younger days, around Community specifically, there was a definite CH thing going on (again, I'm not claiming any celeb posted on the blog is a spitting image of someone I know, but it's that certain features give off a similar vibe). And now, it seems to be more QC2.

Just random stuff for a Monday morning.

Thursday, June 08, 2023

Take it slow.

At the job where I met QC2 and FBS amongst others, we ended our first year with a Christmas party. As I think I've mentioned before, we all worked in a large department and the vast majority of us were in our early 20s. That meant socialising and all that guff.

So, going to the pub etc. was nothing new to us. The fact that it was an Xmas dinner, though, meant that those who normally didn't make the effort were due to join us.

After the meal, and once the tunes were banging out, QC2 asked me to get up to dance. I don't like dancing. It really takes me out of my comfort zone. But, as USHW was always fond of reminding me, I'm a sucker for a pretty face, and QC2 was an attractive girl. I can't remember the timeline exactly, but I'm pretty sure this was before I did actually develop a massive crush on QC2.

So there we were, on the dance floor. QC2 moving effortlessly, me shuffling uncomfortably. I knew eyes were on us. It was no secret to me that QC2 was widely admired by many of the department guys, so QC2 dancing would be something to watch. After a few songs, I made my excuses and went to the bar, but not before she grabbed Friction Guy. I think he was even more uncomfortable than I was, but he, like me, didn't let her down.

I bought the three of us some drinks at the bar. Stalky Guy arrived, but QC2 was still on the dancefloor. I motioned to her that I'd bought drinks as we walked back to our table. QC2 came over immediately, but not for drinks. She grabbed me by the hand and dragged me back onto the dancefloor.

It wasn't that long later, maybe only one song, before the DJ started throwing on the slow numbers. QC2 wasn't done though. She pulled me in close, put her arms around my neck and my discomfort levels rose by about a thousand, mainly because I don't recall doing any slow dancing with anyone before and certainly not in public with one of the most attractive single girls at work.

Nothing untoward happened. As I said, I don't think QC2 was ever interested in me romantically, and this was long before my own attraction developed, but the two songs seemed to last forever because of my discomfort, which I don't think QC2 recognised at the time until I confessed a while later.

Nothing was said when we got back to our table. We were sitting with a group of people who all started on the same day and we were pretty tight, to be honest. Everyone just knew that we were friends and nothing more. I do recall having to fend off questions from colleagues outside our group for a few days though.

Monday, June 05, 2023

Memory Lane (revisited).

"Has anyone been to Alsace?" was the question on the forum that I frequent. It was a question that I could answer in the positive. Years ago, just after I met CAB, I went on a trip to visit AM while she studied abroad. There were never any romantic feelings towards AM, but her two travelling companions? Music Friend and QC1. And I'd had a crush on them both at some stage or another.

Both women had boyfriends, though Music Friend's was pretty new on the scene. This would have been after the events described in this post. But that didn't stop Music Friend from being extremely tactile with me. AM was very confused.

When AM and I were out by ourselves shopping or grabbing a coffee, AM was incredulous and kept trying to figure out what Music Friend was playing at. AM kinda suggested I make a move, but I didn't want to. 

"She has a boyfriend, and that's not who I am." AM reluctantly agreed that it would be a dick move, though I could tell she wanted us to get together.

"Plus, I want to see where this CAB thing goes. And she's back home. I don't know that I want to start something long-distance with Music Friend."

So, yeah, a random question on a forum provoked a fond memory of an exciting two weeks of travel to see friends. Oh, and even though I'd started the trip with a small crush on Music Friend, inexplicably, I managed to rekindle my crush on QC1 while I was there.

Sunday, June 04, 2023

Listen up.

Urgh. Work night out last night with Stalky Guy and a few others. Ideas Girl even came and sat with us for a bit while my ex-boss (he who favours Stalky Guy in performance reviews) was none-too-subtle about staring down IG's top.

I drank a lot, and somehow managed to lose my earbuds on the way home. That's the second time I've done that in six months. D'oh.

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Random encounters.

I had a last-minute night out with Nerdy Girl and another ex-colleague. Apart from some cross-wires, there's not an awful lot to mention... apart from one incident.

We were at one of my favourite bars in town, standing outside, having a drink. While Nerdy Girl went off to chat with someone she knew, I made eye contact with a cute girl sitting on a bench. She was with a guy, but it didn't seem like a date.

She seemed vaguely familiar and she kept looking in my direction as well. I can't be 100% sure, but I think I recognise her from Tinder or one of the other dating apps.

If I see her again, I'll definitely be swiping right (I probably have already, multiple times).

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...