Monday, January 24, 2022

Just talking.

KfW2 phoned earlier, just for a chat.

After talking about KfW2 and her mental health for a bit, we got onto the subject of communication. KfW2 was very guilty.

"We used to talk every day and I feel like I've ignored you for the past two years!"

I reassured her that that wasn't the case, but she was adamant.

"You're brilliant at being in touch with people. I just forget about them."

Our relationship has changed, slowly, over the years. She's changed, her life's changed and mine hasn't. I remember having a conversation with USHW, years ago, where I had concerns that our friendship would change once KfW2 got married. That came to pass, and despite my best efforts, we saw each other more and more infrequently, especially when she was pregnant twice in quick succession.

Then she decided to do more working from home, she changed jobs, she got a couple of promotions and each change meant we'd talk or see each other less. I've probably posted before, but I can't remember the last time we went out, just the two of us, for something that wasn't our birthday. I think it's at least five years.

Regardless, I shared none of this. I told her that she wasn't solely to blame. I had communicated less, too. And that's true, especially during 2021. I was more withdrawn in general, I had stuff on my mind that made me preoccupied and by the time I realised, it was December and the year had passed me by.

I had spent most of 2020 reaching out to people, chatting, and making sure they were OK during the first wave of the pandemic. I guess I got tired and when I had my own problems to solve, being proactive in chatting to people just fell away. And none of that proactiveness was reflected back to me.

I'm hoping that we'll see each other very soon, possibly even this coming weekend, but KfW2 won't make a decision. If she decides to drink, we'll have to go somewhere local to her, which restricts our options. If she doesn't want to drink, she can drive and the world is our oyster. It's just getting her to decide.

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