Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Goals (Part 1 - Health)

Obviously with it being the new year, I have goals on my mind. I've been considering my health, especially after last year.

I need to start looking at my mental health. The issues I faced late last year are still present, and I have contact details that will hopefully kickstart some kind of resolution.

I also, as you may well have guessed by now, need to consider my physical health. I've started and stopped little things over the past few years, but since the pandemic, I've really fallen off the wagon as I'm not even doing my usual walking (when I'm in the office, I can easily do 9000+ steps per day, now it's about 300).

My main thought is to get back into my Yoga, which I've loved in the past, but I've also recently discovered Caroline Girvan who has a series of FREE workout programmes on YouTube. That might be a little much for me right now. I think the best idea is to get the yoga up and running again and then consider other options, once my body is used to doing some exercise again.

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