Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Sheer heart attack (part 2)

I barely slept last night. Continued stress and worry about the upcoming interview. My heart has been pounding for about 72 hours - I am actually really concerned about the health implications of this. It's another downside of being single and living alone. I'm doing this all on my own. I desperately need support through this.

I still don't have any indication of when the interview will be, but I am anticipating 24 hours' notice. My gut says Thursday morning.

I sat for a few hours last night, reviewing the prepared questions and I feel like I'm not retaining anything. Like reading these things over and over for the past few days, but when I try to recall it later, there's nothing there. Part of that is the stress etc. I've also noticed that mentally, I've fallen off a cliff over the past 18 months too due to, I assume, pandemic-related isolation or stress or both.

Part of me wants the interview out of the way, but part of me wants the interview to be as far in the future as possible to give me more prep time. And part of me still hopes that no-one else applies and they just offer me the position outright.

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