Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Another blast from the past.

Years ago, I was browsing Facebook when a photo of FA1 popped up on my feed. I wasn't stalking - FA1 and I are Facebook friends. She was at a formal with her husband. As part of the photo, there were two other people. One, I recognised as being one of FA1's friends. The other was an unknown but really cute female.

About six months later, the unknown friend started appearing on online dating sites and apps. I tried to engage with her but was unsuccessful. I don't know if she didn't read the messages (this would have been the unreliable or simply wasn't interested.

Cut to a year or so again, and another appearance in FA1's pictures. The unknown girl had seemingly taken up weight lifting or something because she was super-toned in the photos. Super-toned and cute women is a BIG win in Ruuude's world.

She appeared to be single, but other than say to FA1 outright (and I'd not spoken to FA1 in years), I had no way of getting an introduction.

Like a similar scenario with CB, only less frustrating.

Well, guess who turned up in a comments thread on FA1's Facebook today? (Hint: not CB).

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