Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Sometimes, when I'm bored, I trawl through old emails, reminiscing on conversations etc. with various people. I was bored tonight so, you know, off I went.

Deep in the darkest recesses of an old Gmail account, I found a transcript of a text conversation I had with Date No. 1 on the same evening after our one and only date back in... 2010!

Again, as I've stated previously, I'd forgotten the whole timeline of things. I was desperately unhappy, professionally speaking, and I met Date No. 1 only a month or so before meeting KfW2 properly, and around the time of Near Miss. But I'd never put the two of those things together, and even knowing how things panned out with Date No. 1. Even reading back now, the whole tone of the conversation still suggested the possibility of a second date, which didn't pan out sadly.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...