Saturday, August 08, 2020

Just random guff

I should go for a walk, given the magnificent weather we're having. Stick on some tunes, get the sunglasses on and just go. However, I've literally just glued the sole of one of my training shoes back to the shoe itself.

Buying new training shoes has been on my "to do" list for a while. My running shoes went to the great... ummm... wherever running shoes goes when they died a few months ago. I don't really have anything comfortable enough to go out and walk two or three miles in.

So, that's two pairs of shoes I need to get. It's not bad - both pairs of shoes are (or were) over 8 years old, and they got worn quite a lot. It's just a shame I have to replace both at once.

These look nice:

I just need to get myself to the training shoe shop.

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