Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I wonder.

I may have mentioned that a few years ago, one Hallowe'en night, Sports Girl got dressed up as Wonder Woman in a homemade costume. The costume itself was excellent - very well made and put together.

SG herself looked stunning in it (as she often did regardless) and I had suspected that there might be something there. She'd been particularly attentive that night, despite GM's presence. This was a good six months before SG and GM outed themselves as a couple. I do not believe that they were an item at this point... possibly FwB, but nothing more.

She even suggested at the end of the night that she "liked" me. I assumed she meant more than platonically, otherwise, she would have said she valued our friendship or something.

I was between places of my own at the time, living with family, otherwise, I might have pursued this particular avenue. She was not relationship material, but maybe something purely physical?

Regardless... it never happened, but I came across this picture on Reddit, which reminded me of SG's WW costume and provoked a trip down memory lane. Imagine this costume, only slightly better made.

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