Sunday, June 04, 2017

More dreams.

The sleepless nights continue. Or rather, not having a full night's sleep. I'm waking around three or four times a night, but I can't figure out why. I can turn over and get to sleep again, but it's more an inconvenience than anything.

Last night was no different, and there's yet another dream that I can remember, featuring both CH and KfW2. This time the three of us were in the pub, making plans. A good night was had by all, then we went back to CH's house as we were partying in her town. I woke the next morning to find KfW2 and I sleeping in the same bed. We were fully clothed, but wrapped around each other - however, it was completely platonic. CH cooked breakfast and KfW2 and I left afterwards.

Again, it provoked a pang of loneliness.

Sports Girl was suggesting that we did some dating nights together. It's a good idea, but SG is flaky. She said that she'll sort it all out, but I suspect that it will fall by the wayside. I wouldn't do it by myself, so if she doesn't arrange it, then it's not gonna happen.

There was a semi-drunken Facebook chat with IG on Friday who was on a date last night, but there was a comment she'd made about the person she wanted to ask her out, hadn't.

That goes back to a drunken set of texts IG sent a about a month ago. I'm wondering if they're related and she's hinting to me.

IG is a nice girl, but there's no attraction there...

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Oh dear. (Mondays suck)

There's nothing worse than having to get up for work earlier than usual... except when it turns out to be pointless and you'll have ...