Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Fingers crossed.

I'm hoping that the stresses of the past five months are now over. The latest project has been delivered and while I expect flaws to be found, I can at least say that it's not because of a lack of effort or quality on my part.

I spoke to one of my local managers today about the situation with the remote guy and I believe I have a direction. I've sent an email that explains how stressed I am, why I believe I'm stressed, where I could have done better around this (communication, mainly) and yet state that despite all that, I've actually done well in difficult circumstances. There are undercurrents to it - my boss needs to be more aware of what's going on etc. but I'm hoping that it starts a conversation.

In other news, which may or many not be related to the work stuff, I've recently noticed a bit of hair loss. It seems to be quite obvious in some lighting conditions but not in others. Sadly, hair loss is not a trait that runs in either side of my family, so if it's genetic rather than stress related, then it's yet another physical condition that I seem to have picked up from nowhere that doesn't affect anyone else in the family.

Oh and I arrived home to a card from Royal Mail. Someone has tried to deliver something, but I wasn't in and it's too big for my letter box. Has my dream come true and Jessica Alba has mailed herself to me?

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