Monday, June 26, 2017

Looking forward

Recently, I went through a bit of a bad patch at work. I'm still coming out the other side of it, to be honest, but I'm a lot less obviously stressed/anxious. KfW2, though, is now going through the same thing as I did, for pretty much the same reasons - we put pressure on ourselves, but at the same time, there's little help from a manager who's thousands of miles away.

She also has family things to worry about - nothing major in her immediate family, but other aspects - her uncle, for example, is going through a very tough time.

When I was speaking to KfW2 on the phone earlier, she sounded in a really bad way. She admitted to me this morning that she hadn't been feeling well in a week or so, then admitted the stress later on. During one conversation, she was practically in tears...

I hope I was able to help with the advice I could give. If she'd admitted any of the above to me outside work, I'd have given her a hug. That's not the kind of thing you do in the office, though, is it?

From my own perspective, I'm looking forward to the next few weeks. Socially, I have a few things coming up - a work thing plus G's home this weekend, followed by a big night out the weekend after. Throw into the mix a few days off work and there's lots on the horizon.

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