Sunday, June 25, 2017


S called and suggested a BBQ at his, followed by a trip into town. I've not been out with any of that crowd in what seems like months, so I agreed immediately.

I did have tentative plans for another thing that might have clashed, but the actual details were too vague for my liking, so I binned it off.

At S's place, with the beers cracked open, GM was telling us about Sports Girl. She's dating someone else now, but is still being her usual flaky self. While she proclaims that she wants to be friends with GM, she's being naive in believing that they continue to see each other socially without taking time apart after they split up.

Anyway, SG has been taking it out on GM, even though the issues she's facing are of SG's making.

The side-effect of this is that we can hopefully leave her aside from social outings for a while to give her and GM the space they need.

Additionally, we got on to the subject of online dating again. GM has, in the past, suggested that his results aren't great. But he and S then spent a while talking about messages and opportunities. They're obviously getting far better results than I am, even if they're not translating matches and conversations into dates.

Later, while in the town, GM and I were looking for females, but it was a weird night. It was hard to find single women. It seemed to be a very couple-y night in the town. Even those without male company seemed to be engaged or married.

There were a couple of standouts - both tall, attractive women. One reminded me of KfW2 in terms of how she carried herself and her general attitude rather than looks. The other was a really cute brunette. Sadly, the former was out with her significant other, while the latter was engaged.

The evening was fun but otherwise uneventful. We parted ways well into the early hours of this morning.

With any luck, we'll do it all again in a few weeks.

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Giveth and taketh.

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