Sunday, April 02, 2017


It's going to be an interesting week in my office. We have a "new" boss (really, it's about 5 months at this stage) but he's starting to act a little strangely.

I'm a software developer and there's been quite a big over-reaction to a couple of really minor issues that were not even really the fault of our team's. He's in the process of drawing up a list of "expectations" (I presume this will just end up being more work and responsibility for us).

This is all very reminiscent of a manager that we had around the start of 2013. That led to a HUGE drop in morale across the entire team and a HUGE rise in stress levels.

The manager at that time was nothing more than incompetent. I hadn't been getting that vibe off the new manager, but he is starting to show exactly the same characteristics that the other guy did.

On Friday, while I was trying to solve three issues concurrently for another team, he was giving me grief for not regularly updating the relevant parties via email. He wasn't just giving me grief directly, oh no. He included the entire team on a direct request to me. He also phoned a colleague to ensure that I was at my desk, looking into the three issues.

I finally got the information that everyone was looking for, an hour after I was due to leave and sent the emails and left the office. I made it to the pub for my pre-arranged meeting with D and Friction Guy, but I was a little late.

I fully expect some criticism over my perceived lack of communication which I think is unnecessary and unwarranted. As I said at the start of the post, it's an over-reaction. We've always done good work with good results and have had no issues in years, but this doesn't seem to be factored in, and I wonder why we bother. Our excellent performance is now the expected level and minor issues are now seen as huge mistakes worthy of a witch hunt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Checking up on you via a colleague to make sure you were at your desk working? FFS! Great people skills, NOT! Good luck getting through the week.


This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...