Monday, April 17, 2017

Travelling man.

It's taken nearly four weeks, but I finally managed to get FP out for a chat and a few drinks. Amongst the many topics of conversation, I managed to return to the idea of travel and we've tentatively agreed to do it around the end of August. Final dates are tbc at the moment, but that's to do with FP hunting out the best flight prices for roughly that time.

That means hopefully, a week somewhere warm and sunny, to chill.

It also means that I will tick off a Bucket List item. I don't have a bucket list per se, but I've always wanted to visit Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Centre ever since I was a young child.

I have more to say on the whole bucket list idea, but that's better suited for a dedicated post, I think, due to the inevitable trademarked Ruuude overthinking.

Suffice to say, I'm now quite excited. I haven't done any foreign travelling in about four years and the added Kennedy Space Centre stuff is just adding to that.


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