Saturday, February 04, 2017

Sad face.

I was reluctant to bring up the re-arranged night out with KfW2 because recent changes in her own life has meant things are a little tight for her, financially, and could be for some time.

While it's my idea and my treat to a certain extent, there would/will be some expense on her part.

It's stressing KfW2 and I'm concerned about her. The end result is financial tightening on her part, but the core issues are family-related and that's getting her down a lot more than the financial stuff.

I don't know that there's any solution either. From the sounds of it, KfW2 has tried to address the issues but the people that she's spoken to can't overcome the perceived obstacles.

I could tell that when she was telling me about it that it was really troubling her.

All I can do, which I've already told her, is be there for her to help out when I can.

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