Tinder Girl has been quiet for a week now. Obviously it's longer since I sent her a message, but she's not logged on at all in that time. I don't understand why you match with someone receive a message and simply don't say anything.
There's been nothing from any of the other Match.com girls, which is disappointing. One of them was quite promising, looks-wise.
I've had a girl message me and ask for more information, but seeing as my closing line is something along the lines of "Well, I've put a massive blurb and some pics of me up, it'd be nice if you could do the same". Ummm... read the profile, dear.
I did message her back and cheekily ask for pics. I don't make a habit of asking people for pictures (I try to avoid mentioning anything physical in the first few messages at least), but this time I wanted to make an exception. Partly because she claims to be attractive and partly to draw attention to the fact her profile is appalling. I think she's been back to view my profile a couple of times, but I've not heard from her since.
The only other noteworthy online dating thing was that I restarted my PoF account - same blurb copied across from Match.com, same pics used thus time, they're public. I've only had one girl view me in the four days my account has been reinstated and she's very cute. There's no message from her though and I will probably get in touch over the weekend once I get some personal time.
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