Monday, March 23, 2015


My mum hasn't been well for a while - something neither we or her GP have been able to put our finger on (I suspect it's stress-related due to an ongoing family thing). My sister has just called to say that they went again to see the GP and he immediately told them to go to hospital, where she's been since this morning.

My sister had literally only found out about 4:45 PM and immediately got in touch. She hasn't heard anything apart from that one piece of information. I've tried calling my Dad, but he's not picking up his phone.

EDIT: I've literally just called my sister to see if there's any news and both my parents have arrived at my sister's. Dad has shouted that it wasn't anything serious. Sheesh. Telling me that a couple of hours ago instead of "disappearing" and not answering your phone might have fucking helped, Dad.

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