Saturday, March 21, 2015

All about chemistry.

I met up with GM and Foreign Girl last night, just for a few drinks as a last-minute thing. Foreign Girl was quizzing me on my life and we managed to get onto the subject of CH and KfW2 (well, GM steered the conversation that way). Before that though, GM shared some drama about Sports Girl who provided some late night drama the last time we were out by essentially admitting to not actually wanting a fuck buddy but wanting a boyfriend. That's still ongoing (at least from the perspective that she's still to apologise).

I let GM do the talking, so he explained to FG about my chemistry with CH when everyone had thought we'd be at each other's throats. I can't remember the exact wording, but GM said something along the lines of "Within two minutes it was apparent that these two probably should be married". It wasn't a surprise to me - he's essentially said that to me before. 

He said something similar about my relationship with KfW2 as well, but less dramatic.

Of course, I don't think he knows about the underlying feelings I have for KfW2 or the physical ones I have for CH and I'm not planning on telling him either. I will just agree with his not inaccurate observation that my ideal woman would be a combination of both of them. He's only talking about personalities... he doesn't know that physically, between the two of them, they tick most boxes.

Later, when FG was away talking to people, we were talking about her. GM admitted to not knowing her particularly well. It was essentially a holiday romance that continued via Facebook and text messages. I said to GM that I saw the same kind of chemistry between them that he'd said that I'd had with KfW2. He seemed surprised but didn't disagree.

It was a good night - Foreign Girl is lovely and very easy to talk to. There could be a repeat tonight, but we'll see.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...