Friday, October 17, 2014

Staying in.

Tonight was the night that I should have been out with CH and our mutual acquaintance. Part of me is glad that I'm not - I'm very tired today, plus the weather here has been appalling for the past 48 hours. It's blowing a gale and the rain is thundering down. I don't know that I would have been in the best for for it (but you never know...)

That doesn't mean I'm not still disappointed that it isn't happening. I was speaking to KfW2 yesterday and we were comparing our crap friends. I'd told her about CH and she had been sympathetic. It's not just about CH though. Sometimes I feel that I expect far too much from my friends, even if that is simply expecting them to mostly turn up to arranged events that they'd agreed to. And also part of that is the fact that my friends, in general, tend to let me down a lot more than I feel that I let them down.

However, that's by the by. Yesterday was very  much a good day. I spent a good few hours with KfW2, chatting and catching up and then spent a good few hours in the company of M and MM. MMBF was mentioned, but just in passing after a night out we'd all had a few weeks ago and with regards some drama that's going on in her personal life. I've tentatively pencilled in a night with M in a few weeks as well.

A quiet weekend beckons, but I'm kinda looking forward to chilling and just watching some TV and films.

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