Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Happy stalking.

I know that I've spoken here about my confidence and privacy issues and I've also made mention on occasion about my concerns about the fact that part of me still hopes to meet/get introduced to CB, but there's a guy in work who makes me look well adjusted.

Almost on a daily basis, he "stalks" a girl's Instagram account. She's very pretty and a bit of a gym bunny (I wish I had her motivation) and he does this in front of everyone. It can't be healthy.

I suspect that he has no shortage of offers and he's hinted vaguely at the fact that there has been more than one girl who's asked him to call round for a booty call off his Tinder experiences. Obviously I'm jealous in that respect.

But it's the constant stalking that concerns me. I've mentioned it to him. I don't know if we'd be classified as friends, but I do feel that there's more to it than simply a running gag and a cheeky wink.

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