Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Planning (cont'd)

The good news is that GM hasn't ruled out something on Friday night. I'd even go so far as to say that he actually wants to go out, but he's still keeping a close eye on his finances. S has kinda changed his mind and turned my invite back on me, though he implies that fancy dress is not optional if I go out with him.

The reason he's invited me along is related to something that I've mentioned before - he cannot see things changing with his friends. He had made a big thing a bout Friday night and didn't realise that because it was Hallowe'en, that people with children might want to stay in and have some family fun. As such, numbers for his night out are, at best, half of what he'd hoped. So he invited me and GM along to make up for the drop outs.

Regardless... it still took S's invite and a follow-up comment by me to prise a reply out of GM. Things aren't totally ruined yet and are looking better than they did a few days ago, but Friday could be rescued yet!

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