Sunday, October 19, 2014

A brief adventure in online dating.

I've long given up on online dating... the times that I've tried it have really dented my self-confidence and I'm still in a bit of a funk regarding my "adventures" earlier this year. Imagine my surprise when I was looking through one of my rarely-touched Gmail accounts and saw emails from OK Cupid.

I can barely remember opening the account, so it's no surprised that it seemed to get overlooked when I was shutting down all the rest of my online accounts.

The most recent intrigued me though. "Someone has added you as a favourite!" it proclaimed. Now, I have already posted here about the "quality" of women in my catchment area, so I wasn't expecting much.

I spent a while pondering whether or not to sign into the OK Cupid account to see who it was. Part of me was inquisitive, part of me didn't want to open a can of worms regarding online dating again. Eventually, I succumbed.

And I'm kinda glad that I did! She was very pretty, my age, physically she ticked a lot of boxes and seemed generally interesting. She's easily the most promising woman I've seen since CB. Ooooh. But I've given up on online dating. But she's cute! And she's marked me as a favourite!

Sod it, I thought and mentally started composing a reply until my eye was drawn to her details. she doesn't live near me. She doesn't even live in the same country as I do. In fact, she doesn't even live in the same continent. Bollocks.

I bemoaned this fact to USHW who suggested that the girl in question has a similar looking going on to someone I know, but she was unable to put her finger on. E, perhaps, but she's unsure. She also suggested that I move somewhere with a better quality of singleton.

I said that I might message her anyway, just for a laugh. USHW encouraged me to do it.

"You never know where it might go" was her take on it.

So I popped off a quick message. I wasn't expecting to hear anything, especially as she logged in pretty much as soon as I sent the message and no replay was forthcoming.

There was, though, a reply this morning. Friendly, but brief and not really inviting any further communication.

I really should close down that OK Cupid account though. The standard of local singletons really hasn't improved.

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