Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Reasons to be cheerful?

Earlier in the week I had asked S and GM if they fancied going to see Sin City 2 in the cinema last night with the lovely Jessica Alba. Then, as I was stressed and tired, I told GM that I wasn't going to bother. And then I changed my mind again at tea-time and called him and asked him if he'd mind.

He didn't, so we went. In the half hour we had before the movie started, we had a quick chat. I've mentioned before that it's easy to talk to GM, so a lot of the frustrations I'd had this year all came out - the general funk that's lasted eight months so far, online dating and it's complete lack of success, the CB on frustration and my gradual disappointment in GB  over the past 18 months.

It was surprising how much he agreed with me. He's seen much more in the way of results from online dating, but still admitted that he'd had his own frustrating spells. His feelings about GB was something that mirrored my own, though to a lesser extent. I raised the subject of speed dating from S's reaction in this post and he was definitely up for it. I just have to find a singles night or a speed dating night that looks fun and caters for our age ranges (I'm approximately ten years older than GM).

The flatmate thing has been resolved as well. MfW has gotten his way and the last of our potentials has taken the room. I'm glad he's gone/going. He's not a particularly good flatmate - not doing any cleaning beyond his own room, not taking responsibility, taking food and drink that doesn't belong to him and taking forever to "replace" it with cheaper alternatives. He's also a massive hypocrite - complaining about FNG's notice then taking the piss himself or laughing at UF's tightness with money when he's extremely similar himself.

So I'm looking forward to moving into a new room (with ensuite, woohoo!), getting my shit in order and starting to gather information for my 2015 goal that I've decided that I'm kicking off now. I have a night out with CH and booze hopefully this weekend and am hoping that the new guys coming in are more sociable and cleaner than the two that are leaving.

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