Monday, August 11, 2014

Go figure.

London Girl has been and gone and I think she had a really nice time. It was extremely busy - we barely had time to draw breath in the 48 hours she was in the country. Usually, I would just go to the pub with visitors, but London Girl wanted to explore, so I found a couple of interesting things to do.

We also managed to spend some time in the pub, but we were both so exhausted with the tourism-y stuff that it was nothing more than a couple of drinks each night.

I'd forgotten how close London Girl and I used to be, but that all came flooding back when she asked, on Friday night, if I were currently dating.

I replied in the negative and she asked the obvious question: "why?"

And so, with that one simple question, I sat for easily half an hour, just pouring out my frustrations over the past two years - CB, online dating, lack of introductions to friends' cute friends etc. The topics were obviously intertwined - CB and the friends introduction thing, for example, but I sat there, sipping my pint and telling London Girl how frustrated I was.

I was chastised for not dating E3, which prompted a discussion on whether I should have non-platonic feelings for women whom I find physically attractive. (London Girl's assessment of E3: stunning.) I was criticised for going to pubs and having a good time instead of Going Out On The Pull  (note the capitals) and my friends were criticised for not introducing me to cute friends. In fact, London Girl suggested that I got S and GM out so she could shout at them for being useless.

I did explain my "pressure" theory/preference where I prefer not being told about potential dates, and just getting people into the same room/bar to see if we click, but even at that, I'm still pretty sure that there have been scarcely any attempts over the years. Only the E crossover thing springs to mind and that was easily 8 years ago.

None of the above information is that new to regular readers, but the conversation is the important part here. Even with KfW2, someone I know cares for me a great deal and who is close to me, I still find it hard to talk about personal things. With London Girl, it all just came out with the gentlest of nudges and practically no alcohol. I actually wish I could be that open with KfW2 and CH (and others, but they're the main two).

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