Monday, April 26, 2010

A weekly digest of all sorts.

Sometimes I try to post more, but other times I simply forget and things end up as a weekly digest of stuff wot has happened instead of more in-depth posts about individual occurrences.

So, I guess in some kind of order (dating from oldest to most recent), here's what's been happening:

F has suggested that she's going to come over for a visit, but probably not until June or July. I am excited. F and I get along famously well, and things are always interesting when we're together.

My boss has been stuck in a foreign land all of last week due to the Icelandic volcano, which means work has been less stressful. In related volcano news, Date No. 1 was due to go away on holiday last week... on Wednesday... just after the airports opened. I shouldn't be thinking of her, obviously, but she popped into my head. She blocked me on MSN, so it's not like I can ask her if she got away OK should I see her online.

The gym isn't paying as many dividends as I might have thought. The weight is coming off, just a lot slower than I'd like. I guess if I give up booze, I can shed loads, more quickly. I don't want to give up booze though.

Friday night was spent in the pub with friends for a birthday party that all managed to go tits up when the birthday celebrator threw an almighty huff and went home. However, I managed to entertain myself by having a perv at JB, who wanted a chat, and a conversation about relationships with another female friend of mine. I also got a hint from a manager in my work, who was in the pub the same night, that the proposed move for me is pretty much all wrapped up and ready to go... all we're waiting for is for my boss to have a meeting with me, which should be some time this week.

I met DSC on Sunday for a trip to the cinema, then I went my own way to see the family and catch up with a few mates in the pub. It was quite weird because later that night, on MSN, DSC asked me out on a date. I turned her down. She's not really my type and there's zero spark there in terms of anything romantic, but the conversation is good.

Back in work this morning, and my conversation about relationships from Friday night started almost where it left off with the same girl. RB was mentioned as the girl from work has met her before and our brief encounters kinda mirror what this girl was going through, so I mentioned that. On the advice of DSC months ago, I attempted to get the girl to focus more on RB as she reckons I still like her. I don't know if that's true or not, but I'd certainly not turn down the chance to see her again. I'm a sucker for girls with a cute smile.

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