Monday, April 12, 2010

A quick roundup.

Following last week's unfortunate decision by Date No. 1 to pull the plug on any further dating, A and I have been having a discussion, via email, regarding online dating and some people's attitudes. It essentially was prompted by A's opinion that Date No. 1 had made a decision too soon. Other tales of online dating haven't started off with fireworks. In addition, I've been really pro-active in looking on the online dating site and have made various types of approach to at least 15 women. The problem is that out of these 15, maybe 5 are women I'd actually like to get to know better, and the rest are me just sending cheeky messages and 'poking' cute women whose profiles are not really that appealing. Out of the 5 women that are potential dates, not one has even re-visited my own profile. That's confusing me. I can accept that they might get my message, visit my own profile and decide I'm not for them. That's what I would expect to happen. What I don't expect is that these women completely ignore me. That's weird. Or rude. Mostly weird though.

In addition, I started what is hopefully going to be a gym regime today. The plan is to go at least three times per week, plus play sport one other day and the final day of the working week put aside for any sundry messages/meetings etc. I might have lined up. Just as well, too. Standing on the scales at the end of my first session today showed that I was about a stone and a half heavier than I thought I was, which means that, to get to my target weight, I'm going to have to lose three stone. Three. Fucking. Stone. I've already made small dietary changes over the past few weeks with respect to cutting out fizzy drinks and snacks, once I get into the swing of this gym thing, I'll start looking at my proper diet and see if I can't make some changes there. Three stone... Christ.

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