Wednesday, May 31, 2023


I can't remember if I've blogged about this before. It's likely that I have, and I've definitely had a conversation about it. I don't think it was KfW2... more likely to have been USHW or CC. Regardless, it comes down to standards or being picky.

I've had a few people tell me that I need to be less picky with the women I want to date. I've never understood that. I find someone attractive or I don't. What's the point in meeting (or even swiping/conversing) with someone that I don't find attractive?

Now... there's another aspect to it, and that's more obvious in online dating. There are deal-breakers. Rather, I have deal-breakers. And it's easy to do because they're just pictures on a screen. But it's easy, for someone my age, to automatically swipe left on single parents, or women who ride motorbikes. And I do. While I can explain the single parent thing, the women-with-motorbikes thing is something I only realised because of online dating, and there can be others.

So, my opinion is that I can't help who I find attractive, but I can help my swiping criteria. I just felt the need to share that, off a Reddit post that I've just found.

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