Sunday, May 28, 2023

Too late

Years ago, when I had Attractive Neighbour as a, well, neighbour, we were on the hunt for a new housemate. We'd had issues before, selecting the first person who came through the door and it wasn't really a good fit. So, this time around, we'd made a point of seeing potential housemates over, I think, five days then we would decide on the best. It was still no guarantee that it would work out, but at least we'd be selecting the best from a bunch of people rather than the first person to reply to our advert.

On the third day, we interviewed two people. An English pilot and a Scottish doctor. The pilot was, quite frankly, an idiot. He reminded me of a roommate I had when I'd lived abroad and I was not in a hurry to repeat that mistake. However, the doctor was a breath of fresh air. She was outgoing, friendly, intelligent and funny. This was in stark contrast to most of the people we'd seen so far. My gut was to ask her immediately to move in, but MfW was adamant that we'd see out the other two days.

Suffice it to say, when we were chatting a few days later, the doctor was still my number one choice. It was MfW2's as well. Sadly, though, when I called her to let her know that the place was hers if she wanted it, she'd made alternative arrangements. If memory serves, I think she suggested that she couldn't hang around despite the fact that we were very clear about when the decision would be made.

And so, we settled for our second choice, who wasn't that bad, but he moved out about nine months later for a new job and we ended up getting NSU in, which is another matter entirely.

A random memory that popped into my head when I was doing some gardening earlier.

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