Thursday, November 17, 2022


On Reddit, they have a thing called 'THT', or 'Thigh High Thursday' where people post pictures of themselves, celebrities, models etc. all wearing stockings or thigh-high socks. It's a good look.

What does that have to do with me? Well, it provokes a memory... several actually. FP and I used to hit a couple of bars on a Friday night. Over the space of several months, we'd see the same faces time and again. One of those faces belonged to an attractive woman roughly our own age. She had this habit of wearing short skirts and stockings.

On more than one occasion she caught us appreciating her attire, and though FP and I can't say for sure, we both believe that she gave us both a show. She would move her legs apart slightly or adjust her skirt to show a little more leg. Her boyfriend appeared to be oblivious.

One night, FP invited one of his work friends out. We never mentioned the woman, her attire or her behaviour, even though she was in the bar that evening. However, it didn't take long for him to nudge FP in the ribs.

"Have you seen that girl in the skirt and the stockings?"

We laughed and explained what had been happening over the past few weeks.

And then, one Friday, she wasn't there, and we never saw her again.

So, for my own THT, have some Cobie Smulders and Monica Belluci.

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