Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Come dine with me.

Earlier this week I sent a message to the WhatsApp group asking if anyone wanted to meet for drinks. I've been trying to arrange something for the past year. I was originally going to say "we've been trying..." but that's not true. it's always me who makes the suggestion, who tries to get people to make a decision or confirm their attendance.

Perhaps stupidly, I thought I'd give it one last go. One of the first to reply was KfW2. She was definitely interested. But was this the same KfW2 who told me she was too tired and stressed to think about going out for dinner and drinks? Yes, dear reader, the same.

You'll not be surprised to hear that I'm still waiting for final confirmation so that I can book something. How is it this difficult to get six people to agree to a date?

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Giveth and taketh.

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