Friday, November 04, 2022


Facebook's memories from today involved a photo dump by GB. That's not unusual. We've been at so many over the years that they pop up fairly regularly. Today's one, though, reminded me of a specific night, ten years ago.

It was a Hallowe'en party. CH was out. We sat at the same table and CH was extremely tactile. There are pictures of us together.

I'm pretty sure this was the night that CC expressed an interest in GM, romantically. It's also the night that CH "grabbed" my butt. Well, not grabbed per se, but as we stood at the bar, chatting, someone came to take a picture. She put her hand on my shoulder. As the picture was taken and the photographer (probably JB or GB) walked away, she slid her hand down my back to my ass. And it just kinda stayed there for a bit.

I miss those days. I miss the ambiguous stuff with CH. And I miss actually feeling something for someone... I genuinely can't remember being genuinely excited by someone since the days of CH and CB.

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