Wednesday, November 02, 2022

How to brighten your day.

Over the past while, I've been binging "Burn Notice" - a weekly action series that's utter nonsense, but that I've always enjoyed. I've never sat and watched it religiously though. It's always been the kind of thing that I'll randomly find on the TV and end up watching, then lose track of for a while.

I might have mentioned it on the blog previously since it stars one of Ruuude's old crushes, Gabrielle Anwar and one episode featured another old crush, Stacy Haiduk.

So, guess who's been in recent episodes? Only Lauren Stamille (from Community), who gives off KfW2 vibes every time I see her.

And an added bonus in the latest episode that I've just finished... Charisma Carpenter! In a bikini!

I'm actually seeing, for the first time, definite similarities between CC and LS.

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