Monday, November 14, 2022

Happy talking.

S had a guest over the weekend. It was the girl who used to be his great unrequited love. I think he's over it, though I couldn't say for sure. Plus, GM pulled her too on a previous visit.

Regardless, she's great fun and easy to talk to, so I do like it when she comes to visit. She seems to rub off on S too, so it's actually possible to have a proper conversation with him instead of the film-related nonsense that usually falls out of his mouth.

I think S might be a little like me in that he feels more comfortable talking to women rather than men. He opened up to KfW2 about one of his previous relationships. KfW2, in turn, was incredulous that I didn't know any of the story.

"He doesn't talk to me about any of that."

"You're not asking the right questions"

"I am... I just can't get him to talk about anything other than films. All he does is speak in film quotes."

And that's true. I've blogged about it before.

But it was great to get out of the house, to have a proper conversation with someone. We talked about dating, careers and some other stuff. She asked for some pretty serious career advice and was both surprised and pleased at what I said.

I need to do it more often.

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