Saturday, November 05, 2022

Chat and chimichangas.

CC sent a text.


I didn't particularly want to. It's been difficult forcing myself to leave the house recently. Plus, I have this weird thing going on with CC. I don't mind her company, but I really don't like the almost interrogation that goes on when we're out with the sudden shift in conversation when we're, IMO, halfway through a topic of conversation.

I agreed to an early dinner though. I was knackered yesterday and didn't want to be out late. I was also feeling a little under the weather, so not in great form. CC picked a Mexican place just a few yards away from CB Bar.

After dinner, CC suggested heading to her place for drinks. I had already explained that I wanted an early night, but she tried to force the issue and huffed when I declined the invitation.

Still, the food was nice, and we went for gelato afterwards.

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