Sunday, March 27, 2022

Good times.

The good thing about S's late arrival last night was that I got to spend some time alone with GM. We were able to chat about stuff that you simply can't talk about when S is about. S seems to have an aversion to talking about serious topics.

So we covered our dating lives (mine's non-existent, he's dealing with psychos), our professional lives (we're both underpaid, he's reasonably happy and I'm at a crossroads) and mental health (his, unknown, mine, poor) and KfW2. GM (like FP) has a massive soft spot for KfW2.

When we met up with S, all that fell by the wayside and we had a great time. We ended up in a bar, that I'd never been to before, and it was great. It was my first proper night out in a long time. 

GM was distracted by some girls who were sitting beside us in the first bar we hit. There was a lot of skin on show, but a quick glance showed that they were very young. In the final bar, I watched this couple play games with each other for hours - lean in for a kiss, then back off. It didn't seem playful, it seemed like more of a mind game. 

And then I saw something else - an attractive tall woman. I think I've posted here before that I like taller women. And this one was tall. Taller than me, in fact, and I'm six feet tall. And the way she was moving around the dance floor reminded me of seeing KfW2 on the dancefloor way back in the day. S also spotted her and came over.

"Look Ruuude, there's one for you!"

She seemed to be with someone, which was a shame, but she was arguably too young for me anyway.

And then, to top it all off, GM and I bumped into one of the HR girls from work. GM used to date her closest friend.

All-in-all, a great night out.

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