Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Curiouser and curiouser.

There were a series of posts made by R2 on Facebook over the weekend. It seems that she's moved, and gone from city living to a more rural lifestyle. Her old business has closed and she's started a new business, albeit in the same industry.

It's all rather cloak and dagger. People who have commented on these posts are wishing her luck, but also wondering why the sudden change. R2 has not posted any replies. Have there been changes in her life? Has she separated from her husband? Who knows? But moving 200 miles away, shutting down your own (apparently successful) business in the city, only to start up again under a new name in a small rural town without any kind of clues seems weird. Would she come home if she actually separated from her husband? Who knows?

I'll be watching this with interest.

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